Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 8, 2024
Making sure she got max in the background. Can see her checking.. she loves and he’s hidden but then she moved again to show him. Then trainers are horrible. “Cus I’m so small” she’s such a pick me. Ugly t. So she’s been away for a few days and now she’s spending the day in, again, to edit her s videos from the s event she didn’t need to be at. So Max wont be doing anything today then. Headphones on cus she can’t bare listening to his songs. Fake yawning and moaning again. This t is so boring. Faking her life is this amazing thing she has. It’s embarrassing


Aug 23, 2024
I agree with you, she’s back to showing him. He really should be taken off her!!
She'll be getting watched with so many complaints about her exploiting him but these narcs can't be told she's pushing the boundaries coz she can't help herself. What a strange perception of the world that boy must have . In a nutshell if she showed as much enthusiasm for max as she does sucking up the hole of nobody's that might help him stop chewing through pip mansion . It's so obvious she's miserable around him and if you think I'm jealous vav sorry but I'm not jealous of having to change nappies the rest of my life . Sucks to be you enjoy your weekend.


Aug 16, 2024
Did Fanny baws not say before that caffeine doesn’t affect her? 🤔 I’m sure she did but anyhoos, ‘feel sorry for my tired ass with 2 scoops of coffee’ where’s the monster/red bull 🤷🏻‍♀️
She is a walking contradiction...also note no mention of any ED when she was trying to lose weight and using appetite suppressants 🙊 wonder what happened to the adhd meds??? View attachment f17c7a5a862058d12994f7148d1b8d0b.mp4
View attachment f9ca11435aff81a3aa618586827ec702.mp4

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
She is a walking contradiction...also note no mention of any ED when she was trying to lose weight and using appetite suppressants 🙊 wonder what happened to the adhd meds??? View attachment f17c7a5a862058d12994f7148d1b8d0b.mp4
View attachment f9ca11435aff81a3aa618586827ec702.mp4
Of course she reacts differently from everyone else. “Debunk” phuuuuulease. You dont get ADHD medication because you don’t have a NHS diagnosis. Paying to get a diagnosis by filling in a questionnaire with the right answers to give you the diagnosis you want is not a proper diagnosis. You seem to be unaware there are thousands of people who know more about ADHD than you from a personal perspective. So just do off


Aug 29, 2024
Over the 🌈
Why does she say she's such a home bird yet she runs off leaving her children at home for absolutely no reason really for the opening of an envelope. Because it doesn't look like she gets paid for these events? Also whinging right away about Max being up at 4am. You are home 1 night. Be happy to see him ffs and to be home seeing as you're such a home bird. Crying f.
Mar 8, 2024
Proud of what? You are sitting on stairs posing like you’re squeezing out a turd.. can’t even smile cus you’re posing so hard. You actually think you’re something. You have done nothing to be proud of. You absolute fing muppet. I’d be embarrassed looking at myself posing like this. She’s acting like it’s a photo shoot.. it was an event.. that you didn’t need to be at. Stop making out it was this exclusive thing. It’s embarrassing. The tracky you were flogging as yours.. that’s never been seen again 😂😂 another thing you made out to be exclusive. This is why you’re sew tired, all these delusional tales you tell and make up. Your brain must be constantly thinking of new ways to make your life seem amazing. We know it isn’t. You’re a s mum. Not a home bird. You can’t wait to get away from your kids. Mainly max cus he stresses you out and is too loud for you. You are a t. Not anything to be proud of. You have absolutely talked yourself up to yourself that you’re convinced you are amazing. You’re not. You’re a fing prick.


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Aug 16, 2024
She is trying to be the ranting ma in these videos. As a nurse who runs an ADHD clinic , energy drinks and caffeine are not something we advise.
I cannot with this imbicile... Little miss know all , or little miss whatever is true I'll say the opposite.
Would someone with an ED be prescribed adhd meds? Binge eating maybe? Are they not appetite suppressants aswell? Not something I really know about so very curious about it all.


Mar 10, 2024
So cosmedicare have just been live slagging soph off and talking about beefy …… business MUST be bad when you have 5 people in your live and you are sat slagging creators off 😂
Oh really saying what, imagine a company going on a live and slagging of members of the public and vav is away to use them for a boot lift what a clown, what a company I am actually laughing.


Aug 26, 2024
Steph here’s a little bit of educating for you, you clearly need it.

“ getting up in the night at 4am “ you are literally thick as s.

You obviously mean getting up in the morning at 4am you are honestly so thick it’s scary to think you are bringing up children.

Also, it’s very aware that children who wake up more in the night when a change of routine is constantly happening is that of a child who is getting attachment issues, I.E NOT KNOWING WHAT THE do IS HAPPENING, IF HIS MUM IS GOING TO BE THERE. OR IF HE IS BEING PASSED ABOUT AGAIN LIKE PASS THE PARCEL

stest parent ever!
That boy has been through a lot of disruptions in the past couple of months.away with dad ( that’s unavoidable) back home then away back to dad.
New school .( that’s a big change for him)
Then mum away again.
His routine is sporadic at best.


Mar 8, 2024
:). I LOVE CONFRONTATION let’s go cosmedicare me they have messed with the wrong person lmao! I’ve had surgery abroad from a reputable surgeon .. DR SERBULENT WOULD NEVERRRRRR act like this he gunna be gobsmacked when I show him the screen shots cos obv we follow each other on insta he’s a well known surgeon in Turkey hahhaa xx


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Sep 3, 2024
Would someone with an ED be prescribed adhd meds? Binge eating maybe? Are they not appetite suppressants aswell? Not something I really know about so very curious about it all.
Yeh weight loss can be very serious on ADHD meds, I work with children and often we need to stop meds or change to different meds due to weight loss being more detrimental than the purpose.
She would have to pay privately for meds with a diagnosis not on NHS and that can be costly ( assuming she does have the private diagnosis). Also ADHD has to be pervasive and would more than likely been picked up to some extent during her early years , school setting , etc.
And bullying people is not a symptom of ADHD.
Jul 8, 2024
Would someone with an ED be prescribed adhd meds? Binge eating maybe? Are they not appetite suppressants aswell? Not something I really know about so very curious about it all.
Non stimulant adhd meds has no effect on appetite and those are on for 13 plus hrs. So I believe ppl with ED or vascular issues can take non stimulant meds.