It says Priduct Showcase on the screen for that Louise, Live Commerce for so no idea where either of them have got creator of the year fromIt’s giving full on fatal attraction vibes ffs she knows she didn’t win creator of the year and she definitely knows that girl won it. Absolute fruit loop she is
Love this for her, that dress was not her friend, any idiot with eyes could see that!
Wonder how many lives she does compared to others... 2/3 a day sometimes... if she does more lives than others that's a win win for TT but reality it's tragic her life is empty she has to sit on her phone and engage with strangers to plead with them to buy cheap tat so you can pay your bills.. I'd assume they'd have different categories too .. cause there's a rather big guy that sells all day every day ,pretty wife and they're raking it in. Did her bbf not win or nominated ,suspiciousLive creator do off she makes an arse of herself on her lives, slags folk her and her daughter, moans about M Wtaf are these people smoking
I know..but love your body quotes and she clearly doesn'tTell me she did not wear the blazer with that dress
Wtaf is Libe VaV its TT shop ... Avon calling its cause you're doing 8-10 lives a wk ...everyone has a life...everyone there got an awardbore off you daft cow
Yeah it would say that:Wonder if anyone know where to view the list of winners has she do won creator of a year on Tik tok shop it would say creator of the year on the screen vav you clown.
Oh no I'm not sure anything can beat that live and her being sewwwww unbothered for a week afterwardsThis is as much entertainment as the L’oréal live - what a complete and utter fukn minky muppet!!!
Maybe someone should ask Samantha! Wonder who’s telling porkies
If you listen to the person announcing her aswell they quite clearly say "beats her own records again and again" so basically each time she manages to sell a wee bit more tat than the time before aww and aimee is so proud of her absolute mug!Paid 159 pounds for a house of cb dress to wear a blazer over it least Samantha looks comfortable in her outfit that dress will never be seen again it was smart casual and she always stands out for the wrong reason plus blowing kisses to people you can see people at the front think wtf she is so cringey can’t wait for the morning post guys I am sorry I didn’t win creator of the year I won live commerce I am mistaken.
It definitely does leave you very fragile. I was prepped for a C section with my boy, he was delivered by forceps though. I had a complete breakdown when my auntie said how proud she was because I never swore once "my mum told me to be a good girl and not to swear" I was 28 years old crying because my mum told me not to swear I didn't even have time to process my daughters labour or birth. Arrived at the hospital at 9am and she was born 9.11am.I was out my tits that much I don’t remember tbh. I do think she’s a bit of an attention seeker but I just know when I had both my boys, I was so mentally fragile after.
She basically beats her own targets, I'm sure that's the what that woman said not TT shop targets!!, wonder how much products she buys ,to mark up & sell on .. Yes VaV that's a trader #insane # pinchme #delusional
she's such a t !!!!! Honestly she genuinely believes she did win that title ! She will do a clap back for sure and still continue to lie through her massive gumshield teeth !Maybe someone should ask Samantha
Is that the lass that won the rising star award? I seen her video. She took her son? Seems like a right down to earth person, well from that video I seen.Haha checkout the latest tiktok by @taraomidi93 for the real version of these awards
Vav, stop pretending you are something special, it's damn cringeworthy