Welcome. We are a nice bunch, forgive us if we come across as a bit wary with newbies, because we get some really strange vavinators over here, and we find that eventually they out themselves.I wasn’t going to post this because in terms of tea it’s weak. My child goes to the same school as Max and I was at the Christmas show too. It confirmed how I thought she would be, she’s all cocky standing in her kitchen mouthing off but she looked so uncomfortable at school. She had Iggy with her and Petr was there (they’re all shorter than I thought they would be) and they waited until the doors were about to open to go in but they were running late and she was left squirming being around folk she didn’t know.
She kept looking at stuff on Petr’s phone. He was wearing these combat cargo trousers. Someone was standing in front of her who she clearly knew but it wasn’t until the woman turned round and said hi that she spoke to her. She just kept her head down and stood very close to Iggy. Not the mouthpiece she is in her videos and she looked very uncomfortable.
She should be so proud of that wee toot but she just complains about him constantly. I hope his teacher saw that awful video where she showed his art stuff, my heart broke at the look on her face. My house is full of stuff like that but my child made them and I love them. She’s lucky he’s got a place there when there are 100s of kids who live in Aberdeen who could take that place and she just keeps him off all the time!
She gets away with far too much for a so called “SEN advocate”, surely stuff like that starts at home. It’s tough but she has more support and help than I do. She’s jumping all over Annalivia but actually puts her own child down on camera and deliberately holds him back. I honestly don’t get why she hasn’t been cancelled
However I do believe what you’re saying, as she gives off the I’m so brave and mouthy etc, but you know irl she’d s herself if she met one of us, she’s a nasty little shrew and a coward.