taylorswifthockeybro Kevin Sun - Live Streaming Taylor Swift Eras Tour

Jul 9, 2024
I didn’t tell anyone to STFU? 😂
You don’t have to pay to watch his streams, and yes he has said he won’t be carrying on with the channel when the tour ends, multiple times

To me he’s just a regular guy so it feels unfair to gossip about his love life, it’s like gossiping about you or me
He has a platform with 220k followers on youtube and 20k+ followers on insta where he shares his private life and is making money. I don't do any of that and he's sooo made himself a public figure. He was never going to delete his channel he's so sad and addicted to the attention the scumbag gets.
You should have been more sceptical of him! The signs were all there!
Jul 9, 2024
Does anyone know what he's been busy deleting from his youtube? He's lost 6k followers so far and socialblade said he was making between $900 and $12000 a month on the views. Apparently the real figure is about the 66% point so he was making $8k a month on views and at least a few thousand more on all the people giving him 0.99c a month for the replays! WOW HE WAS MAKING A LOT OF COIN!

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 09.53.02.png


New member
Jul 16, 2024
He was grim, sexual and encouraged people to message him on snap. I always knew he was a slimy bastard and hated all the people on tattle promoted him. But I had no idea he was messaging 13 year olds! I naively assumed it was other women the same age he would be chatting with on snap. Without all the evidence I know people would still be promoting him and saying he's so amazing and that makes me sick that he could have easily got away with this. Even with load of red flags around him I was shook at all the people calling him amazing. I hope some learn from this all.


New member
Jul 16, 2024
I got banned from tattle today because he now has his own thread set up about this and I posted a weird clip of when he called out users by name

Turns out people were in a private groupchat with him and I got banned from discussing private groups which I didn't even know existed until the ban confirmed it and I did some digging which led me here 😭

Don't really get why private groups were set up ? ruined the thread and now hes being outed as a weirdo. It's all very very weird tbh.
Jul 9, 2024
Quoting them. I think you could do better after all that has come out other than pretend it didn't happen and your hundreds of messages on tattle praising the guy and handing him peoples phone numbers!
I didn’t tell anyone to STFU? 😂
You don’t have to pay to watch his streams, and yes he has said he won’t be carrying on with the channel when the tour ends, multiple times

To me he’s just a regular guy so it feels unfair to gossip about his love life, it’s like gossiping about you or me
That’s not him. And no, he wouldn’t doxx anyone, ever. He has a vicious side 😂

It’s not really fair to tell people “crazies”, I don’t think anyone should be gossiping/bitching etc about him - he offers a free service that will end when the tour ends he’s not exactly an influencer
😂 😂

He jokingly said “the chicken wine people are coming, tattle tattle” and shouted out two users to message someone on the stream people are talking about. He didn’t threaten to doxx anyone I think something has been lost in communication haha!
He literally didn’t say that first part lol. Get a grip

Karrot K

New member
Jul 6, 2024
Grow the do up
I don’t get these comments. If you don’t like the stream, just… don’t watch? Watch someone else? Baring in mind 98% of it is the streamer themselves not even Kev or the person running it… it’s a bit weird. No one is forcing you to watch hun x
Yeah thanks for that I'll talk about shady people thank you. No one is forcing you to read this thread. There's one of two people you most probably are.
Jul 17, 2024
The clique are all coming back from their private chat to blame others and make themselves feel better about supporting a pedo. I'm glad quite a few of them disappeared off with their behaviour.
Im really confused what is this clique? Who is in it? Is it why the Taylor thread has been so quiet?


New member
Jul 17, 2024
Very strange behaviour going on here and in the tattle thread. Why you’re all so pressed about a private group being created when you clearly dislike the members so much is puzzling.

Seems like you have more of a problem with individual posters than you do with the issue at hand re Kevin… strange priorities.


Jul 1, 2024
hiya loves clearly you’re obsessed with me! I don’t feel like I owe anyone an explanation but I asked for my posts to be deleted as obviously defending someone who messages underage children is disgusting.

Also @I keep my side clean have a think why you think it’s appropriate to call me out by my actual first name - very strange actually.

And finally @dalmatirox im sorry you got caught in crossfires of the group you didn’t know existed, that is unfair. But I don’t think I’m above anyone and how has it worked out for me in the group chat? Pretty well tbh, we have a great safe community where we support and uplift each other. And it’s lovely!

Thanks so much for always thinking of me ♥️

Shake it off

New member
Jul 17, 2024
The private group lot seem really petty.
They keep coming back to tattle to goad the thread with stuff like "wonder why it's so quiet in here" when they know exactly then a bunch LOL react to that. They are delighting in chasing people off the thread, killing it and filling it with nonsense crappy in-joke chat that discourages people from posting.


New member
Jul 16, 2024
hiya loves clearly you’re obsessed with me! I don’t feel like I owe anyone an explanation but I asked for my posts to be deleted as obviously defending someone who messages underage children is disgusting.

Also @I keep my side clean have a think why you think it’s appropriate to call me out by my actual first name - very strange actually.

And finally @dalmatirox im sorry you got caught in crossfires of the group you didn’t know existed, that is unfair. But I don’t think I’m above anyone and how has it worked out for me in the group chat? Pretty well tbh, we have a great safe community where we support and uplift each other. And it’s lovely!

Thanks so much for always thinking of me ♥️

Safe community that Kevin was part of and helped set up lmao

Shake it off

New member
Jul 17, 2024
Safe community that Kevin was part of and helped set up lmao
Haha yeah a safe community that a creepy sex pest (who very possibly deserves to go to jail) was central to until yesterday. Where peoples numbers have already been leaked from and posted on this site (deleted now and not saying they should have been leaked but that it's hardly safe). Don't think Kevin was the one here leaking peoples numbers but he now has all these numbers and personal information.