Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 17, 2024
Afternoon my fellow trolls!!!
I've been MIA due to work, spending time with hubby and taking hubby n my son to the o2 yesterday to see Peter Kay! Bought the tickets Nov 22 🤣🤣🤣

It was sooooo good however we nearly didn't make it. I had the biggest anxiety attack I've had in ages yesterday morning as I was driving and I freaked out. I'm a terrible passenger and as a result always designated driver for long trips. So grateful I preplanned n took annual leave today as my hip is killing me!!

Back to sface...she looks awful in this video. Her eyes are puffy n face is swollen looking.
I have 20 pages to catch up on so apologies in advance for the upcoming spamming!!! 🦄🦋💐
Oh gosh, that's terrifying. Glad you're back with us and hope you've had a relaxing day to get yourself right 💞
I went to Peter Kay last month, ours were rescheduled too. I agree it was fab and I admittedly am not a fan which is odd being very local haha. My fella is a big fan though so I got them for his birthday. Hope you're feeling better soon ❤️❤️
May 24, 2024
The World
Afternoon my fellow trolls!!!
I've been MIA due to work, spending time with hubby and taking hubby n my son to the o2 yesterday to see Peter Kay! Bought the tickets Nov 22 🤣🤣🤣

It was sooooo good however we nearly didn't make it. I had the biggest anxiety attack I've had in ages yesterday morning as I was driving and I freaked out. I'm a terrible passenger and as a result always designated driver for long trips. So grateful I preplanned n took annual leave today as my hip is killing me!!

Back to sface...she looks awful in this video. Her eyes are puffy n face is swollen looking.
I have 20 pages to catch up on so apologies in advance for the upcoming spamming!!! 🦄🦋💐
I hope you’re in a better place now ❤️
I haven’t watched Aimee since the Sephora video because she’s that boring she bored the troll right out of me 😮‍💨
May 22, 2024
button moon
She could make a minestrone with that pasta, or any Italian soup. Quick Google search will tell her that. Why order something of uber eats if your unsure what it is and then be surprised it’s not what you think it is?

See she’s back on the whole I don’t eat breakfast bandwagon, and getting overwhelmed in supermarkets? Huh?? Are we in the twilight zone right now?

We’ve just come back from a weekend in London with my teenager for his bday and did a load of history tours as he’s a massive history buff, you know what I didn’t do once…let him walk ten paces behind me. And what’s this calling H a teen? She’s a year below my daughter, I don’t call mine a teen/pre teen cos she’s not. Why wish away time? It’s baffling.

Back to reality now, work tomorrow for 11 days straight, looking forward to my graduation in July, holiday in July also and starting a masters in September, only thing keeping me going working crazy hours for minimum wage at the moment 🤣🤣.
Mar 17, 2024
So in other words she can do what she wants (nothing new!) and doesn't give 2 ss for the wildlife
She gives absolutely no fs for anyone but herself. I mean she doesn't give a s for her own daughter why's she gunna give a hoot about wildlife? 😡

Nothing but as selfish, sweaty, desperate dosser 😡


May 22, 2024
She could make a minestrone with that pasta, or any Italian soup. Quick Google search will tell her that. Why order something of uber eats if your unsure what it is and then be surprised it’s not what you think it is?

See she’s back on the whole I don’t eat breakfast bandwagon, and getting overwhelmed in supermarkets? Huh?? Are we in the twilight zone right now?

We’ve just come back from a weekend in London with my teenager for his bday and did a load of history tours as he’s a massive history buff, you know what I didn’t do once…let him walk ten paces behind me. And what’s this calling H a teen? She’s a year below my daughter, I don’t call mine a teen/pre teen cos she’s not. Why wish away time? It’s baffling.

Back to reality now, work tomorrow for 11 days straight, looking forward to my graduation in July, holiday in July also and starting a masters in September, only thing keeping me going working crazy hours for minimum wage at the moment 🤣🤣.
She won’t eat breakfast unless someone else has made it, then again she only seems to eat the food mostly made by others 😂
Mar 7, 2024
Shopping again ! She was only at Tesco Saturday!!! She's one bloody useless lump !!!! I swear she does this for reactions as this can't be normal behaviour out of a near 40 year old mother ! All she does is s , shop , shag (and get herpes in the process) shove food down her fat neck and scour tinder for her next victims . She's absolutely disgusting, vile , fat and lazy !!!! She should be ashamed of herself but she never will be because she thinks she's absolutely stunning 🙈
SPOT ON 👌 TL needs to have s, shop and shag in aimless next thread title 🤣
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Mar 9, 2024
She is just unbelievable isn’t she? Shopping all the time and wasting money like she does - I honestly don’t get what people see in her. She isn’t relatable at all.

Shopping again within just 2 days - I mean what the actual do? She really is an arsehole.

I definitely agree with the comments about her falling out with C.

I am glad C and R had a nice day out but the whole video of W and C seemed so forced.

I bet she will fake another illness now the school run returns tomorrow - will it be a UTI or Tonsillitis? Anything to draw attention back to her from mother dearest and her huns and to drive up those sympathy sales.

Hope everyone is ok - noticed a few of our regular posters are missing 😢 hope they all ok and just busy.
Mar 8, 2024
I haven't caught up but just well as the others...I haven't seen @Mrs Full Monty ✨ is she about/ok? ❤️
Hello all ❤️
Bless you @noseyneighbour for noticing I was missing. I’ve been down a Vav hole with her new tiktok victim!

Aimee still needing a bath, and has her scrunchie disintegrated yet?
As long as you are ok 🤣❤️
What's going down with her then...New
Mar 17, 2024
Hello all ❤️
Bless you @noseyneighbour for noticing I was missing. I’ve been down a Vav hole with her new tiktok victim!

Aimee still needing a bath, and has her scrunchie disintegrated yet?
Awhh there you are my love 🥰 I was asking this yesterday. Glad you're OK. Oooh do you know what I haven’t even looked at Vav for a while going to have a nosey when I've caught up 👀❤️


Mar 9, 2024
She could make a minestrone with that pasta, or any Italian soup. Quick Google search will tell her that. Why order something of uber eats if your unsure what it is and then be surprised it’s not what you think it is?

See she’s back on the whole I don’t eat breakfast bandwagon, and getting overwhelmed in supermarkets? Huh?? Are we in the twilight zone right now?

We’ve just come back from a weekend in London with my teenager for his bday and did a load of history tours as he’s a massive history buff, you know what I didn’t do once…let him walk ten paces behind me. And what’s this calling H a teen? She’s a year below my daughter, I don’t call mine a teen/pre teen cos she’s not. Why wish away time? It’s baffling.

Back to reality now, work tomorrow for 11 days straight, looking forward to my graduation in July, holiday in July also and starting a masters in September, only thing keeping me going working crazy hours for minimum wage at the moment 🤣🤣.
That would require chopping of veg … far too difficult