Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 9, 2024
But the thing is I'm not embarrassed!!! I would out my full name up. I genuinely don't care!!! I don't because unlike aimless I safe guard my children from freaks on the internet
Is this silly bint for real??? I literally can not get over the delusion! How many of us here commented in her actual page - not hate just with another view or confusion cos she was lying - and those comments were from our real accounts? I DID !!!!!!! No discussion just fing blocked! So that is why people will only call you out from burner profiles! Nothing at all to do with being ashamed ! Stupid bint and fing gormless arse wipes ! They actually believe their own s!
Apr 1, 2024
Has she slept in that jumper?! A peri menopausal woman sleeping in a jumper - fing hell I’ve been doing it all wrong and sleeping in the thinnest slip ever!

Wish she would piss off with that fake laughing. It's about as funny as a dose of diarea. Does she sound pissed in that video as well or am i just imagining it given she often sounds it or even is it?


Mar 7, 2024
Here’s a few howlers! 🤣🤣🤣
What a fing tool!!!! She thinks she's gods gift doesn't she?! Imagine setting up a camera to stand there looking like a 5 year old has been playing girls world on her face and attempting to dance like a wana be Legs n Co girl! she's an absolute wank shaft and needs help! Although I do have to say the state of her now compared to back then is frightening, she doesn't look like the same prick oops person and that is scary that TikTok can do that to a person, the addiction is very real :oops: :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO: 🤦‍♀️ 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕
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Apr 1, 2024
Can anyone else remember her saying she never had depression? I’m really crap at the detective stuff but it really would be an in ya fat face Olga moment to find that gem! Never lied on this app yanno on me kids life ! I’m thinking she said it in the comments?

I remember her saying she never lied on the ap. I don't remember her saying she never had depression but i would believe she did say it, would love to see the clip as well. She just lies and contradicts her lies and contradicts the contradictions she previously made.
Mar 9, 2024
Swooping in from tik tok to say my arse is that jumper or trousers a regular uk size 12 !
off I pop back to see the rest of the try on haul !
Too fin right they aint a size 12 ! If they are then im a size 4!! She orders 18s & 12s n swaps them out ! I’m actually crying - that Brand must be seething cos anyone ordering who is a 12 will be ordering size 8s n sending them back! Delusional!
May 30, 2024
Can anyone else remember her saying she never had depression? I’m really crap at the detective stuff but it really would be an in ya fat face Olga moment to find that gem! Never lied on this app yanno on me kids life ! I’m thinking she said it in the comments?
I remember her saying she had never had depression because I thought at the time it was funny as it must be the only thing she hasn’t suffered from. I don’t know what video it was though but she has definitely said it


Jul 13, 2024