She really is deluded isn't she?
All she thinks she's guilty of being is naive.
She was SO hungry for drama that she herself drew attention to a username on here that no-one else had even noticed until SHE decided, against Andrew's advice, to post her panic video.
She outed her own stepson all because she was at home, bored, probably should've been working, but she was missing her TikTok fix so thought 'to hell with it' and did exactly what her husband, the father of the children involved, had asked her not to.
She didn't give a moments thought to Andrews children, Andrew, the children's mothers, Andrew's mother or anyone else who is unlucky enough to be connected to her.
It was all about Melissa trying to attract attention and she didn't care how she got it.
The comment earlier, about turning off the gifting in her lives, says it all.
She was only ever in it to make money. It was never about helping anyone. She didn't want to hear about anyone else's trauma. Just hers.
I doubt this break will last more than a week or two. She's an addict and she's going to have to learn how to break that addiction.