mjbyrnex - Mel

Oct 1, 2024
Her latest tiktok vid is such a fing lie.
You did not have a dream at all just talking rubbish for content.

She said she Broke the cycle but didn't the middle brother cut contact way before Mel did? Why did he cut contact Mel? Why did he cut contact with you also? When you both was so "close" she mentioned they went though the same thing (which isn't her story to tell by the way)

So surely he is the one who cut the contact? Also her mother cut contact not Mel she said before and it's on here the video.

Clearly just talking ballbag.
Sep 24, 2024
I’ve heard it all now ! It gets funnier and funnier . You’re having these dreams because you won’t stop frigging talking about them ! Oh my god it’s been 4 years just move on .. cutting contact means it’s the end of the relationship so why are you still going on like a broken record . You live your life with the family you have cut off still in your mind 24/7 . If you want TikTok so bad, do something else . I reckon you should delve into povs of made up scenarios a bit like the nursery nurse . You just making your self look stupid as do
Sep 24, 2024
You know what I think she's doing in her 'I had a dream' monologue..
I think she's been told to STFU talking about them so, instead of talking about them directly, she's inventing dreams to talk about.
What she's trying to say is that she thinks her family are in cahoots on here.
Pahaha well to clarify I was a follower of hers I’m 100% not her family 🙄
Sep 24, 2024
I didn't think you were!
I do think some posters could be but I don't really care.
Why shouldn't they have a voice? Because Melissa doesn't want them to?
That girl is as mad as a box of frogs.
Oh I know you didn’t lol. Yeah I do think the new ones that come and go are somebody from her family . But yeah they should say their story’s


May 23, 2023
she said she’s accountable for a lot of things since becoming an adult, but never says what… (that’s not taking accountability)… in the next breath she says “that doesn’t make her the problem anyway”… so is she accountable for her actions or not?

The above is an example of narcissism.
May 23, 2024
I'm definitely not in her family. She makes my abusive family look normal compared.to her and hers. Whatevers happened ain't that serious as she's back to working the Tik Tok algorithm today, gotta keep the money coming in. Wonder how all the traumatised people she's supposedly doing all this for are coping with her not helping them & just focusing all her attention squarely on her & her fiction/non fiction stories 🙄


Aug 4, 2024
How can Sid be the only outcast of her ex family when she said her middle brother cut contact long before she did?? Sid is deffo the black sheep of her ex family tho, as nobody in her family appears to want her in their family. Nobody seems to be begging for her to go back & it looks like nobody is missing her one bit. Seeing what we've all seen of her I'm sure the whole lot of them must be relieved she's someone else's problem now as she really is an attention seeking Sid eyed lying psycho.
Jul 4, 2024
Why would you have a visit from your sister in law and then sit there, phone in hand recording your conversation??
Did the sister in law not find that odd?
If I went to visit someone who was off work 'sick' (due to their own actions on TikTok which they still can't seem to acknowledge or accept) and we sat having a heart to heart I would find it crazy that they were sat there recording our conversation.

Unless of course, you were aware and you'd been prompted to say "But it's not your fault, it's someone else that's done all this".. 🧐


Jun 1, 2024
Oh my god!!! Is she for real? She needs a mental health intervention, filming a chat with the sister in law, filming herself eating breakfast cos she's feeling sorry for herself, does she think she's an actress in a rubbish soap opera? She's such an overbearing person and it looks like she has convinced the in-laws she's the victim in all this. Why can they not see that Mel is a massive problem!!!!! The in-laws are clearly as nice but dim as the husband. What's is going to take for someone to take a step back and see it is Mel's actions that have caused every reaction she's dealing with. I have an awful feeling Mel is on self destruct and she's going to do something dramatic for attention like take it out on one of the step kids or something. My gut says Mel isn't vulnerable, it says Mel is dangerous!!!! Have they not seen what we've seen this past week aswell? Has anyone noticed when she snarls and turns her lip up and she stretches her fingers out when she's peed off? The warning signs are all there, this all ain't gonna end well 😱


Jun 1, 2024
Oh I know ! You watch it won’t be long till another “I’m unemployed “ TikTok !

I wanna know more about the middle brother
I wanna know the middle brother's take on everything too, I'm glad he won't let his kids anywhere near her as she is so volatile, destructive and scary. She reminds me of a grenade waiting to go bang. I wish the brother would share his side of things growing up with her. I have to laugh every time she says her memories of her childhood are sketchy as it's her brains way of protecting her, next minute she's doing a step by step word for word POV that she remembers clear as a bell 🤪