Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
She was posting weird posts to me yesterday but I ignored her then this morning I was like what are u doing, in hindsight I probably should have ignored her but it was the amount of things she knew and shared them that knocked me of I’ve no idea what notion she took but she must have been talking about me to someone else for her to know what I was there for, she definitely has no life
Trying to deflect from herself by throwing you under the bus
May 6, 2024
Can someone give me a run down on what has happened in the pass 24hours? To lazy to go and read the the hundreds of messages 🫠 tia x
Basically Sabrina threw her toys out of the pram again. Rang 101, by her own words she hadn’t yet self harmed, was on hold for 9 mins then rang 999. So I’m wondering did she do this so called self harming on hold? Anyway she Said police came and they rang ambulance ( or the other way around I forget) but neighbours said that wasn’t true it was the other way around.
She went in ambulance, was back less that 2 hours later doing a haul. Big massive ott bandage back on her arm, saying she received 5 staples ( which we are very skeptical about ) because in her words when she wants to do a “good job” she can.

So summed up she’s a disgusting piece of s who once again decided to waste the emergency services time to get a bit of attention.
May 6, 2024
North of ireland
No you fuking bisness is it I show you'll happily do so
Lillian I think U have picked that lady up wrong .. she wasn't saying anything cheeky to U .. we where all confused because U where here at the start defending Sabrina then u told us that she didn pay u back money that she owed U then Sabrina found another girl called Lillian on her tiktok and said we where talking bad about her an that she didn get money of her but 1 was U and the other girl was called Lillian Wilson ..
Jun 15, 2024
Someone said that they think Rita is called Sharon, if it's who I think it is, she's a nosey b and is always sticking her nose in people's business, her and that daughter of hers always commenting on FB posts, and if it is her,she's one unlucky woman with injuries and yeah she is the kind of woman that would check into the hospital on her FB. I apologise if I'm wrong.


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
Someone said that they think Rita is called Sharon, if it's who I think it is, she's a nosey b and is always sticking her nose in people's business, her and that daughter of hers always commenting on FB posts, and if it is her,she's one unlucky woman with injuries and yeah your the kind of woman that would check in the hospital on your FB. I apologise if I'm wrong.
Yes you!!!!! Maybe Liljoe is the daughter 😂😂😂