Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


Apr 17, 2024
Northern ireland
On a spiritual level I feel sorry for Jamie. Imagine visiting your mum and seeing that and not being able to move on and rest in peace. She's a leech, draining every resource going and using her poor son's passing as an excuse to stay in limbo, and keep him there too. She needs sectioned or her meds changed coz this isn't normal. Is this going to go on for the next 12 years when he's 24? When does it end? Sabrina I know ur reading this page, grow up and let your child move on.
May 24, 2024
Hahahaha I’ve just seen everything Sabrina you’re so fed. And you’re incredibly sexist and piece of s for what you said saying ‘aw imagine a man a weakling getting numb and me a lady not having to’ you’re a fing weirdo you’re like one of them TikTok mama bears saying they did it all natural or a fella bragging about not feeling tattoos. You’re a weirdo. You don’t love your son. I stand by it. You’re a narcissist. You love attention. Being in so much distress but talking a picture of the doctor? Gwan gway ye fool keep looking here and making videos you’re bloody obsessed
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Seriously love if you think that’s going to bother me it’s not. See I actually have a husband for 19 years now. And I successfully carried a child to term and they are now a teenager. You are defective in every way. Can’t keep a man and can’t ever keep a child alive for 9 months.
See I was with my husband that whole time he was hurt. Where was yours? Where was all these people flocking to you. You life revolves around you sad pathetic life with the idea of a dead child and your animals. Id seriously think who you are laughing at. Thing is I know where you live and a hell of a lot about you. You know nothing about me. Nothing but a joke.
May 6, 2024
North of ireland
I cannot believe she has literally influenced a wee 12year old to self harm. SHAME ON YOU SABRINA YOU DIRTY BASTARD!
Yip and blamed everyone else for it but not herself! Even tho she was the 1 that put it into the child's head cos that's what makes U feel better she's vile! And how she still has people justifying her behaviour blows my mind .. they would be angry if it was 1 of their family members
May 6, 2024
North of ireland
The way she broadcasts it so proudly is disgusting! She should be ashamed of herself for putting that on a public platform and anyone who agrees with what she is doing is just as bad
Totally agree with U .. people that sh carry alot of shame in it they hide their arm but her there's no shame so it's an attention thing with her disgusting excuse of a women