Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Because we are here, we are static. Alllllll the people who dont like her over the past 12+ years are transient. She blocks the ones who post on her TikTok account, the rest no longer speak to her whether its online or real life. She rages about us because she can, it is something tangible to direct her animosity at, however misguided that is, she doesnt care, she is too self absorbed to even realise
She rages about here but secretly she’s loves it. It makes her feel special and gives her attention. She doesn’t even care that we formed because of all the awful things she says and does.


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
So were the tramps because we don’t feed our pets or kids the good stuff. Says the queen of the reduced aisle. She said her self she wouldn’t pay 5.50 for a roast dinner ready meal but only bought it as it was reduced.
I feed my cats actual cat food with vitamins and minerals that they need. Then get a few cat treats with dinner. My oldest cat is 13 and healthy as a horse. Hers are overweight due to all the ham they get. Doesn’t matter if it’s finest or not still not good for cats.
Ironic her commenting on what we feed our kids when she doesn’t have any. Do spirits only play with toys and leave feathers. Do they not need food? Only survive on out of date prime.