Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
If anyone feels they know me on fb or tik tok you can add me if you want 😂 I genuinely don’t know who anyone on here is so I can’t add anyone but in saying that how would we know whose here and who is just out to cause trouble, I really over think things 😂
I can honestly say I don’t know who any of you are in real life 😂
But as for the rocky situation I’m very intrigued.
Surely if he tried to ‘off’ Sabrina as she’s stated many times, would he not have done time and would he be allowed to be alone with his young daughter? I swear I’m literally dying to drop him a message. He has a public account after all so he’s obviously open to new people making contact 👀
May 6, 2024
We Could find each other thru that persons recent friends list 😂 but I don’t know if the followers at top would be most recent or if tiktok have any special order of contacts
I think followers at top are the most recent, from what I’ve seen anyway. I think I know who you are so I’ll add u and u can tell me if I was right 😂 I really don’t use TikTok for anything other than watching big Sabby 😂
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
I think followers at top are the most recent, from what I’ve seen anyway. I think I know who you are so I’ll add u and u can tell me if I was right 😂 I really don’t use TikTok for anything other than watching big Sabby 😂
You’re areeeee correctttt! Before Sabrina Angel mom got banned I would have been Even easier to find coz they actually did a reply video to me 😂😂