Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 2, 2024
It’s hardly like those very processed bread slices she uses have hard crusts?? Like they’re really soft as well 😂 It’s not like one of those very crusty baguettes which definitely crunches and needs a lot of chewing 🥴
I was such a weird child that I actually preferred the crusts to the bread itself, especially when the crusts were really dark.
Mar 2, 2024
Her hair is fing awful. The colour and how dry it is.
She can twirl all other food that doesn’t require a twirl.. spaghetti that’s requires a twirl she can’t fing twirl. She is beyond stupid this woman. And that fing tongue of hers 😫🤢 she has got such a bad habit of sticking it out
That’s because she’s used to licking butt cracks.
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Mar 2, 2024
We can’t believe she called herself that!!!!

She’s the worst TikTok creator in the way of ‘influencing’ !!

There is NOTHING about her …the way she looks, the way she acts, the food she serves up, the way she parents, the way she treats her husband, the way she runs her life that ‘influences’ me or anyone I know! In fact, she’s known for the complete opposite in the circles I mix with! 🤣
She’s the Number One De influencer!