Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
Another day off tiktok. They’re out as a family for some kind of PR event. The only time they go out together is when it’s gifted.

The amount of moaning over a hotdog sandwich. She just might have outdone herself with how much she exaggerated this. Sevda’s Michelin star meal, folks.

Well they’re Turkish hotdogs from the Turkish shop and they have a nice colour 🤢


Mar 10, 2024
Look at the scrunchie in her hair 😂

I think Rocco has separation anxiety. It’s not a good idea to never leave a dog alone. She’s so proud of herself when she states she doesn’t like to leave him alone when she runs errands but she’s done him another disservice. Our dog trainer stressed how important it was to foster independence in our puppy and give her alone time or else we’d have an anxious, destructive dog on our hands.
Here’s the thing.. Hairy was with Rocco all day!!
Mar 2, 2024
Dunno if she could have cut a bigger piece for herself.. tit reckons she is Turkish but fails to recognise cheesecake looks very different in other cultures


Mar 13, 2024
I would love to know in all honesty what her appeal is. It is the most bland, vapid, corny, boring, ridiculous, nonsensical, trite se I have ever come across.
Why people flock to see her make the most basic, over processed, rancid food whilst whittering on about absolutely NOTHING and then sit with her while she shovels it down her beak like a demented gannet whilst still spouting complete and utter garbage. I don't like bringing a child into it but that poor kid is emotionally and mentally stunted, it's really sad to see. She acts like a 3 year old and everything seems so contrived and rehearsed like she is programmed what to say.
Don't get me started on the Hairy Daddy who literally cannot string a sentence together and just keeps chuckling at nowt and then the head wobbling Ken Dodd sis in law who is orgasms over whatever is on her plate and tells the world about her woes while laughing mechanically and jitterbugging all over the camera.
I honestly don't get it. HOW has she got so many followers, can there be that many deluded people in the world who find this entertaining, comforting or in any way riveting content? It's honestly like one of life's many mysteries.


Mar 7, 2024
Ewa has kindly paused her ipad? What the actual do?? :oops: As if you would have a 7 year old child dictating lol. Better Still Sevda slither tongue, why don't you get off your phone cos firstly no one wants to watch you sloshing that sludge around your gob while using your tongue as a friggin windscreen wiper and secondly take the opportunity while you're getting your Ellosh, Sevosh and whatever osh retirement home renovated and interact with your child!! She's so far behind its not even funny! Peppa pig? 2 year olds dolls buggy and don't get me started on her speech! Urgh this woman needs investigating arghhh 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️:oops::oops::mad::mad:


Mar 8, 2024
Didn’t she say she had constipation and then the ‘ad’ came for the greens, they were really good and taste great!! yet this morning she said the tea was helping her constipation, and she is growing to enjoy it!? Meaning it’s rank😂🙈. Guarantee once they greens are finished she won’t by them🙄 xx