Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

My name is

Mar 8, 2024
“It always looks pink doesn’t it? Even though I followed the instructions and did it in the oven, it always looks a little bit pink doesn’t it?”

Well hello!! Guess what Sevda?! If you already know that fact, why the hell do you not think to cook it a little bit longer in the oven, so you, Sedat or Ela…or all of you don’t one time luck out and get salmonella poisoning?!!

Are you really that thick??! Duhhh!! 🤪😡

AND this is a content creator folks, whose content is putting up her dinners to interest you to copy them! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
Not fing chicken wings AGAIN!!!, @Chicken wings , not you love lol
At this rate they’ll be sat clucking round the table! Why doesn’t she get that cook book out she was gifted and make something different?
Mar 3, 2024
Maybe so, but that’s why you hear about cases of food poisoning from good stores and good restaurants where high standards are applied.

But the proof is that chicken is pink…and for me, I would not eat it or risk my family eating it 👍🏻

But each to their own 👍🏻
I was just saying what the standards are for Costco and that is not undercooked. I personally don't eat meat but I totally respect your opinion. 💯


Mar 1, 2024
Really? I didn’t know reddit subs could be shut down. Even the snark subs for Ruby Franke never got removed even before prison.
Apparently it’s quite hard to get subs down… She must have got her management involved or they threatened legal action or something 🥴 Absolute saddo couldn’t stand criticism and I bet she’d get the whole internet shut down if she could so no one could say anything against her 🤪


Mar 1, 2024
The eyebrows! I remember she did a clap back years ago to someone who asked about Ewas eyebrows as they were very thick and almost joined in the middle - she said there was absolutely no way she'd do anything with her eyebrows until the kid got self conscious or got bullied about it .. as she was too young .. those eyebrows are getting more and more shaped and trimmer by the day !
She did the clapback video and then a few days later or the next day Ela’s eyebrows had been trimmed…

My name is

Mar 8, 2024
I was just saying what the standards are for Costco and that is not undercooked. I personally don't eat meat but I totally respect your opinion. 💯
We used to buy rotisserie chicken for our dog but more and more of the chickens were pink near the bones(Sainsbury’s buy the way) so if we wouldn’t feed it to our dog then now way was it ok for human consumption! Hope they all get the Tom tits!
May 22, 2024
Apparently it’s quite hard to get subs down… She must have got her management involved or they threatened legal action or something 🥴 Absolute saddo couldn’t stand criticism and I bet she’d get the whole internet shut down if she could so no one could say anything against her 🤪
I would have loved to see Beg trying to sue Reddit 🤣🤣🤣 or her no money management company!
May 22, 2024
Those teeth are horrendous. Bet she’s never taken her to the dentist’s in her life. Her excuse will be I can’t get an appointment for her.
Doubt any of them go to the dentist regularly! Beg has 2 “infected teeth” that she’s not bothered. Not good systemically to have ongoing infection in the body. Thick as pig s this lot!!