Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
Poor Sedat with the leftover keba
Just caught up with all of her posts from last couple of days, the noise from all of them eating that takeaway last night, good grief can you imagine if you were in the kitchen with them. Sound like a load of pigs eating, not table manners whatsoever, she now looks in pain when she's swallowing, 🙄🙄
and the dad licking in between 2 fingers and putting in his mouth and then asking for a napkin. What the duck is wrong with these people


Mar 1, 2024
Just watched the Indian takeaway video, give me strength!! Never heard a racket like that in my life!! It's like a pack of wild hogs in a pen fighting with each other for the scraps :sick: :sick: :sick: Someone in the comment said about the amount of times Sevda does the MMM sound and she was jumped on by Sevda's minions :mad::mad: I used to be a dinner lady many moons ago lol and if I was looking after a kid that ate like Ewa does I'd be telling her to shut her gob! Theyr'e disgusting, if Sevdas tongue came out any further you could pass her a vine leaf and mistaken her for a giraffe, filthy b! Jeez I dunno why I put myself through it lol 😂
“pack of wild hogs in a pen fighting with each other for the scraps” 💀💀💀


Mar 1, 2024
Sedat needs to divorce her fat ass.. my husband is vegetarian and no one else in our families is but everyone is equal and we would never have something that he couldn’t have and he simply miss out! Never! We would also never have anything that not everyone likes.. I feel sorry for the guy.. he is so down trodden that he puts up with it!! She is only working on the garden outside because her friend on tik tok redid your back garden and seagull even commented on how good it looked and the next day she has all her minion family paining her fence and doing their yard.. she is so jealous of everyone and everything… and we don’t need to watch you take a bite and show us the inside of what you were eating with dribble all over it.. she is like no one I have ever met - a total narc with no self awareness
She’s definitely one of those types constantly comparing herself and jealous of other people… She’s obsessed with the evil eye as that’s what she’s like as a person 🙄
Mar 2, 2024
I’ve just seen hairy daddy’s post where Sedat is on a chair.. she mentions he takes medication so maybe it’s a bad back but she has the nerve to say “sitting down on the job hey” and belittle him. I would have thrown the paint can at her and told her at least I was working and not cackling like a fat hen with her fake laugh.. she is so fing rude to him. It was her idea to paint it because she is jealous of her tik tok friend and then all her minions have their marching orders to get it done! She sat on her ass all day barking orders why couldn’t she make something home made that included Sedats likes too


Mar 8, 2024
How do I post a photo on here, it’s asks for http thing, where can I find that on my photos? Xx
Mar 2, 2024
Another day of no work for Sevda. Her to do list consists of walking the dog, the decorator is coming (somehow this is on her to do list), laser hair removal and she’s got “work to do on the social media side”. Is this the new “getting the laptop out” 😂 She called all this another busy day.


Mar 10, 2024
Indian takeaway as a treat for her " daddy " as he's been painting their garden fences ... the prison yard " garden " is the size of a bloody postage stamp! And why the do couldn't her and Sedat do it themselves... would have been a couple of hours max to do it . Lazy fers
Exactly.. made it a family thing with Ela also allowed to paint something and leave her mark like I got my kids to do


Mar 1, 2024
Another day of no work for Sevda. Her to do list consists of walking the dog, the decorator is coming (somehow this is on her to do list), laser hair removal and she’s got “work to do on the social media side”. Is this the new “getting the laptop out” 😂 She called all this another busy day.
The work has really dried up 🤣


Mar 13, 2024
The work has really dried up 🤣
I agree with this. Days and days of nuffing. Filler posts of takeaways, reheated 8 day old twuffle chips, powwidge, chawity, cutting off cwusts, firty twee leftover dinnas made fwom stuff she cuts the fungus off at the back of the fwidge for Sedat, pwocessed cwap and the slowest decowator in the world.

Absolute scutter content.