Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 8, 2024
Has Kuki actually talked about menopause on her tiktok? Because if she hasn’t, this response is incredibly rude of Sevda 😱

To be fair to this commenter sev looks about 50 so ya can why this person asked for advice. She has the face of a grandma and she looks as though she has dentures in. Plus her bumhole mouth and gee eyes make her look older. Never mind the clothes she wears. She is so drab. Her clothes, her voice and her personality. All drab. If she was a word she would be “meh”
Mar 8, 2024
I rarely watch lives but I was lucky to catch this gem and I was absolute howling. What a gonk she is. It was an 18th birthday party, such a downer, nobody cares Sevda ffs!
Oh my god was this at someone’s party?? She’s so narcissistic. Had to make herself get some attention somehow. Oh wow I’m beyond embarrassed for her. Her Aimee and staph are the worst attention seekers I’ve ever come across


Mar 28, 2024
Oh…I forgot to say in my previous post on here…

The friend that she’s talking about this morning is the one who stuck her fingers up at all the TikTok followers watching when Sevda once zoomed the camera onto her, shortly after Sevda finished having an attack at her TikTok followers (Sevda calls them ‘trolls’) on one of her TikTok posts and being passive aggressive.

It’s also the same friend who doesn’t care how she’s bringing up her young child at all …an example being a post on her own TikTok account of her child also sticking fingers up.

So…yeah, you’re right Sevda you both are incredibly similar I suppose…same values.
Mar 2, 2024
SHE CANNOT GET MORE FULL OF HERSELF!! TODAY'S MORNING CHAT VIDEO!! Sevda clearly has no capacity to hear what she sounds like! A true narcissist!! Standing there...clutching her chest in an embrace and sighing wistfully and lovingly as she declares her friend is JUST LIKE HER (Sevda) and then in the next sentence saying she's loving, kind, caring, & thoughtful! Sevda, you've never lacked confidence! And then..she goes onto describe how she (Sevda) gets on with ALL kinds of people and has lots of friends!! ERRRM....HANG ON A MINUTE.... This is the lady who, in all her time on TikTok NEVER goes out with anyone (not even alone with her husband!) ...except her neighbour (very rarely) and now the vampire friend she is taking about today. How do we know this?? simply the fact that Sevda, since beginning her TikTok existence...tells her followers everyday and films every day all what she is doing throughout the day ..right up until she's had a bath (IF she has a bath) and is sat in her pyjamas in the old people's lounge watching TV every night! She is OBSESSED with TikTok and Instagram. The only other people she sees in life are her family and an elderly couple called Steve & Pat who are like an Aunt & Uncle to her she says. She only sees them like twice a year. She's been on the very odd rare night to sample a restaurant with another fellow TikToker under the same management, but that's it! She overinflates her relationship with fellow TikTok creators, calling them her 'darling friends' when she actually either never sees them but they have gifted her or she's seen them once or twice! BUT TO BE MORE TO THE POINT REGARDING SEVDA DELCARING TODAY SHE HAS LOTS OF FRIENDS AND GETS ON WITH EVERYONE.......she's forgetting the VIRAL VIDEO of her AT A LIVE 18th BIRTHDAY PARTY ...CRYING IN A KITCHEN SAYING SHE HAS NO FRIENDS AT ALL...AND THAT PEOPLE ARE NICE TO HER TO BEGIN WITH AND THEN THEY ALWAYS LEAVE HER AND SHE FEELS THEY WERE ONLY USING HER….some people being TIKTOK creators even. I think it's more like people befriend her to begin with and then come to realise how big headed she is, how full of herself she is, her rudeness and her constant ability to say awful or tactless things, pretending she doesn't mean to (lack of integrity). We see what she is like on her TIKTOKS and INSTAGRAM!! FULL.OF.HERSELF. The WHOLE reason she has done this video is a 'come back' to what she is reading and hearing lately what is being said of her. She is hilarious, as again, she clearly cannot see how obvious these type of bragging, inflating herself 'come back' videos are!!!! She shoots herself in her foot eveytime by doing them!! haha!!
She’s a b who treats her husband and dog like s, can’t stand the silly t 👊
Mar 27, 2024
Oh my god was this at someone’s party?? She’s so narcissistic. Had to make herself get some attention somehow. Oh wow I’m beyond embarrassed for her. Her Aimee and staph are the worst attention seekers I’ve ever come across

She was at Falasious (Teresa’s House) and it was Daisy (Teresa’s daughter) 18th Birthday Party. Sevda completely took over the live and droned on and on. Sevda made it all about herself as usual
Mar 8, 2024
She was at Falasious (Teresa’s House) and it was Daisy (Teresa’s daughter) 18th Birthday Party. Sevda completely took over the live and droned on and on. Sevda made it all about herself as usual
Oh no. How embarrassing is this. She just has to have all the attention on her 🤦🏻‍♀️ horror trying to take the attention from the 18 year old. Dickhead


Mar 3, 2024
A child has more idea about colour and style than her! Nothing in that house matches. That horrid wall paint dosent match anything in that bedroom. Is she colour blind?no wonder she is twolled. Ashes an old lady in a firty four year old body.
Mar 2, 2024
Isn’t it Eid today? It’s likely no coincidence Munter is finally coming over today because they can drink together. Probably the only thing they have in common. Says a lot when you can’t even hang out with someone if you aren’t drinking.


Mar 1, 2024
Isn’t it Eid today? It’s likely no coincidence Munter is finally coming over today because they can drink together. Probably the only thing they have in common. Says a lot when you can’t even hang out with someone if you aren’t drinking.
Not sure why she chose Ramadan as a time to stop drinking like it’s Lent… She shouldn’t be drinking any of the time if she was actually a Muslim instead of cosplaying as one