Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
She’s definitely put on weight since she started TikTok… She was very skinny when she started and her face was narrower.
She’s home all day and stuffing her face. And drinking. And less active than she used to be working outside the house. If you watch her older videos, you can tell she was more mindful when eating.


Mar 1, 2024
There is absolutely commenting wrong with the dad.. who the do eats noodles like that. It’s fing disgusting. They’re all fing tapped in the head. He can’t speak.. hi everyone uuuurrr yeah off out uuurrrr heh heh im wearing heh heh uuuuurrrr heh heh.. do me pink he’s a fing daft prick.
I read the sentence before last in his voice 😂
Mar 2, 2024
Yeah I agree totally she is very stingray with money I mean she steals honeys and jams tea &coffee from hotel rooms lol 😂 and eats mouldy bread
She been harping on for a year or so about her washer been on its last legs she could of bought one but nope waiting till she is gifted one it makes me absolutely disgusted as people work to pay for things not this dick head she thinks everyone and anyone owes her everything typically Narc
It won’t last forever! She will fall back down to earth with a Bump. Karma will get the b!


Mar 3, 2024
Listen I truly don't care about anyone's weight, mine fluctuates all the time and I have my own complicated relationship with food/my weight etc, as do a lot of people. BUT what I find infuriating if her use of filters to deceive people! Her arms in that photo are much larger than they appear in her videos!!! People like Sevda are sooo damaging with their lies. Just own up to your size and don't be two faced.
Mar 2, 2024
Same with Teresa, annoying as she is, she sets up her camera at breakfast/dinner and just goes with the flow, she has a laugh with her Mark (she does belittle him sometimes though) and Daisy and is just natural. This beg just has to manipulate everything and everyone in order to suit her narrative. Who actually thanks their family at the dinner table for the food?? It reminds me when people pray to god at the beginning of a meal, it’s pathetic sev and you need to stop this farce. To add I’m not saying it’s pathetic to say Grace at the dinner table, I meant sev is pathetic forcing Ela and sedat to thank her. I’d find it so embarrassing if my friends or family had to constantly say thank you. Also I know sedat hates going out but you’d think he’d want to experience the events with his daughter, he’s missing out on so much just sitting at home. He could at least make an effort for his daughter.
All fake for the Cameras. This is definitely not the Family we see on TikTok daily.
Mar 8, 2024
She looks a state. The boots and dress don’t go at all.. her legs always look so scrawny in them boots. She’s so fing self absorbed.. talking about taking her mum and dad to an event.. she had four tickets.. she asked Lisa and her kid.. they said no.. sedat wouldn’t go.. and large is just one ticket so as if she would let one ticket go to waste. So she had to take her mum and dad.. Netflix must ask her to go providing she talks extremely slowly
Mar 2, 2024
I have to say, I think Teresa’s banter with her husband is great! You can tell they overall have a great relationship, in as far as they laugh a lot together, not just ‘at’ each other, they enjoy each other’s company, they look out for each other and they love going on holiday together and with friends with them together. Like you say, there is a natural flow of conversation between them and they are on the same intelligence level, so their interaction is stimulating, not dull.

All of that is very the opposite of Sedat & Sevda. There is just NO spark between the two of them and when Sedat giggles over the top or does silly dances …it’s SO obviously staged by Sevda - she makes him do it for the camera. They are not matched well at all. I’ve never heard them have stimulating, normal conversation - there is no conversation, just very basic interactions. Very dull.
Teresa is 100% herself completely. Her and mark are best friends and Are always laughing together. Sevda set up a fake persona when she started Tiltok. She’s an imposter! She wants all her 1.8M fwends to believe this is the real Sevda. She absolutely hates when people find out the truth of how she is and call her out on it.
I only followed her for about 2 weeks when I first joined TikTok and it took me that long to actually figure her out. Very very deceitful person. People must be blind or stupid if they actually believe her crap!