Very well said!I don’t have an issue with Sevda’s real body size that we see on the below video, IF she herself portrayed herself openly onscreen like this everyday. It’s her own business whatever size she is, even if excess food, unhealthy foods and lack of exercise have contributed. Her business. Not mine. HOWEVER, it becomes my business and anyone else’s when the image Sevda creates of herself day to day using the ‘slimming filters’, and the ‘skin smoothing’ filters, creates a FALSE image and from both a marketing perspective and a medical perspective regarding eating disorders, this brings a false message regarding the majority of her content. Sevda’s content is all about the meals & snacks she consumes, so she is therefore giving out a FALSE message - that by eating all what she consumes & drinks…you can not gain too much weight & your skin is smooth. However, in reality, Sevda has steadily been gaining weight by the amounts & types of food she has been eating over at least the last 3 years and her hair and skin is poor as a result also (filters can no longer hide the condition of her hair & skin). She uses the slimming filters and skin smoothing filters to try to portray a thinner and healthier version of herself and it IS other people’s business to speak up against it, for the sake of false marketing and more importantly…to join in the fight to stop false body image for the sake of young girls/teensgers/women world wide who struggle with eating disorders and body image. Sevda has in the past now and again said on videos for everyone to be themselves and not worry about being weight or size conscious and eat what they want, that we are all beautiful. Sevda, you do eat what you want, it’s clearly obvious, but you do NOT practice what you preach on the other part.. you ARE image conscious because you switch the filters on to cover up your real image. Do better. Switch the filters off.
Especially damaging when she's smugly sitting there telling people she "keeps the weight off" by doing a lot of walking. I hope no one listens to her, but there are so many impressionable people out their with body image issues.