I have only ever met one other person who needs constant validation for things they do. There is absolutely ZERO reason to say I cooked the food or I cleared up. Just do it and don’t say anything. That’s what people do that genuinely have a kind heart. There is something seriously wrong with Begda but sadly, she doesn’t see it. It’s like The video opportunity is more important than the act itself. Begda if you’re reading this, it’s like seeing an animal in distress on the road and setting up your camera to capture you helping the animal versus just helping the animal in need. You are a beg and by the way, regardless of making food for someone, it’s still a major inconvenience to be at someone’s house. Kuki can’t stand you and neither can Tom. Kuki also knows you treat Sedat like s. She needs to keep a close eye on you so you don’t demolish her brother. You’re the opposite of kind hearted the way you treat him. Also, you look so awkward trying to be cool and drinking your gin. It’s clear you come from a socially odd family and we all want to know why your sister is estranged. I’m sure she pulled away. I hope you can turn things around for Ela’s sake because there is something sick going on since you don’t see it. Your daughter is stunted and plays to the camera and pedos are downloading the videos. You don’t care because you care about money only. Rant over