Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 10, 2024
Went to begdas page finally as i couldnt bring myself to watch the #shy video with sedat thought id die from awkward cringe but while that video was yet another hilarious gcse drama performance by begda and her subjects i noticed she posted a full video on her page for her MIL for mothers day but posted a video for her mum on her story. Make it make sense will ya. Her brain just works in the strangest ways. Not to mention the way everytime you go to her page theres different pinned videos🤦‍♀️but yeah whyd she post that for sedats mum and not her own shes such a stuck up for his family🙄 always trying to get them involved showing her love and care and kindness my cat is kinder than her arse. bless her though🥺🙏🐸🤡

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Just watched well ghosted watched her TT 😂😂😂😂 think the comments calling her out have got to her, as they wasn’t quick enough to delete and block and many got involved, the saying is true “tell the truth you are bound to be found out” unfortunately for begda the lies have been found out and many are fed up with you.
Also what is up with renting a home nothing at all, another sly dig, I would never judge a person if they are renting or buying a home.

What I don’t understand is they are decorating not renovating, and wouldn’t you have the painting done first before the floor, well I would, so just having the room done and then waiting for the hallway to be done.
I thought she was loaded I mean bought a car and paid the deposit on hippos house,

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Difference between renovation and decoration

So Begda,hippo and munter if you are reading here please take notice, Begda Beavo thought you was clever learn what the difference is before you say something, you look like a complete pilchard 😂😂

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Sorry guys
Something I picked up on with her TT this morning, going back to Reddit many of us put to proof panda about begda discussing the” troll comments” in front of Ella and she repeats it or makes snark comments. This morning when she was saying about the comments she said it’s ok she is not listening, and moved into the phone more. So definitely read that 😂 more like sat next to proof panda.


Mar 2, 2024
Not Beggy claiming her floor bloke being sick and sending someone else later is because of evil eye because she shares everything on TikTok. How about this you moron. If you genuinely believe it's that DON'T SHARE EVERYTHING ON TIKTOK. How about that for an idea. No you can't do that either because you're obsessed and you want the money from it. Honestly she is an absolute t.


Mar 1, 2024
Not Beggy claiming her floor bloke being sick and sending someone else later is because of evil eye because she shares everything on TikTok. How about this you moron. If you genuinely believe it's that DON'T SHARE EVERYTHING ON TIKTOK. How about that for an idea. No you can't do that either because you're obsessed and you want the money from it. Honestly she is an absolute t.
For someone so superstitious she doesn’t mind sharing all her life online… First rule of those beliefs is hide all your life details/successes from other people 🤣 What a moron… And no I’m not jealous of her care home renovation