Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


May 3, 2023
Do you know what I will never get my head around with her parenting of Max? It’s that she never turns around to see what he’s doing. How long are her longest videos? As she says, she doesn’t have eyes in the back of her head, but yet she’ll sit and talk to nothing all the while the wee dude is in the background roaming about and making noise. Is it not most Mother’s instinct to see and know what their kid is up to? Is the house childproof? Does she have stair gates?

I dunno, maybe I’m just a particularly anxious Mum but there’s no way I wouldn’t be paying attention to my kid for all that time, especially if they went quiet at a time she’s said he’s being particularly vocal. She’s in her own fing world and wee Max just orbits it. It’s not relateable in any way shape or form. Nor is it fing funny.
Mar 10, 2024
United Kingdom
So predictable vav imagine your content being constant clapbacks because you have nothing in your life,people can see you leave him unattended you show that on the internet to thousands of people and him roaring in the background, and yes kids do like chocolate just not a 1kg bag where he will be sting through hoops.

And p.s you ain’t funny my children are funny you are just dull and if you were funny you wouldn’t feel the need to address everything and let it roll off your back but your a narc and can’t take criticism.
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Why the do do her management allow this? She looks an absolute state to start with, proper clatty mink who clearly hasn’t washed since she was living it up in Spain.. the language also, do this do that! She is so unlikeable, how she still has a platform and followers is beyond me


Mar 15, 2024
Of course it's the bags fault and not hers... how silly of us to think it's hers 🫨 Vav you're a s**t mum, we can all see it. M is left to his own devices in the pip mansion constantly. To be honest just sounds like another made up story 😴
She was making a home cooked dinner! that old chestnut. How wholesome 🙄 Even when I’m cooking you have to eyes at the back of your head, how would she have not heard him rummaging in the bag 2 feet away from her, anything could be in there he could have access to medication? Something he could choke on? My bets are he was strapped in given the chocolate and his iPad while she filmed videos yesterday afternoon. Lying t


Mar 15, 2024
I can’t watch her atm. She’s just such a sty person and mum. Standing in the sun knowing she can’t see but she thinks she looks so sexy with the sun on her face. Her hands talking are the most over the top thing. She left her son unattended for so long he ate the whole bag. I know things can happen quickly but it must have been long enough for him to eat the massive bag. She’s just neglectful. Too busy caking her awful skin in make up and taking to her phone.
Me too, I can’t bear to even look at her spouting her venom. She might think she’s ahead of the race for now, but bad people never win in the end. Imagine trying to justify “oh it was only half a bag” that’s still 500g. For context that is 2.5 of the large share bars of Cadbury chocolate he’s still consumed! Kids will be kids but for max that is not good enough if he is getting access to things he shouldn’t be. Thank god it was only chocolate he found in the bag.
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Mar 10, 2024
Do you know what I will never get my head around with her parenting of Max? It’s that she never turns around to see what he’s doing. How long are her longest videos? As she says, she doesn’t have eyes in the back of her head, but yet she’ll sit and talk to nothing all the while the wee dude is in the background roaming about and making noise. Is it not most Mother’s instinct to see and know what their kid is up to? Is the house childproof? Does she have stair gates?

I dunno, maybe I’m just a particularly anxious Mum but there’s no way I wouldn’t be paying attention to my kid for all that time, especially if they went quiet at a time she’s said he’s being particularly vocal. She’s in her own fing world and wee Max just orbits it. It’s not relateable in any way shape or form. Nor is it fing funny.
When she done a post the other day when she dropped lily into town max was upstairs! Alone 😔😔


Apr 5, 2024
Aw , big scarey nana saying in the comments to someone that they're too polite with comments and " she couldn't write down what she's thinking of them " with angry emojis about " trolls " . Aye OK Doubtfire , can 't wait for you toddling down the street waving your fake LV bag in yer JD Williams pensioner shoes ! after " trolls " ... What a rocket .