So going forward, I know my opinion is spicy and forthright , and something that I know won’t be well received especially by the (arse lick bandwagon folk ) that non-bullies will not agree with.
Each and every one of us here are grown up human beings. I cannot imagine that theres a group of us here that actually have to witness this level of catty, bitchy, bullying tactics written down on a platform like this that only display horrendous group nonsense’
We have only got so much time in our lives to live.. and I get it, we strongly dislike others and have such a history with many folk that our only option is to do something drastic. But ladies and gentleman… This isn’t normal, this forum. It’s schoolground bullying . So can I truly ask right now… why are we all doing this?? Ok you perfect people might think she has put on weight ? Is that something you would want to be pulled up about. Or her looks… her size… her clothes…. Her house. The list goes on. What I do not understand is why you all relentlessly bully the fick out of her constantly??
I’m also going to add- not being a Nrgstive Nancy in relation to her past … but wise up ‘ladies’…as that is what has gone on in the past. If you’re all so riled up by it then why on gods earth do you think BULLYING is going to sort her out and make her sorry??
Charity money, ex hubs, the way she acted for so long ok I get it. But what each and every one of you are doing right now negates your motive with her.
It disgusts me to my core that there is a bunch of ‘women’ like yourselves on here that think disgusting bullying is the answer. So therefore, you are no better than the person you’re hurting every single day. You have all stooped to a level that can not be respected. Why not go to down the loyal route if you feel sto strongly? Get your ‘reciepts’ out and take her to court? Instead of the vile, endless bullying your all are doing right in plane face. Instead, you are going on a bloody JUVINILE platform like this and, in turn, doing worse than she is doing at present. The mind boggles honestly.