Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Apr 25, 2024
You know what I'll never understand, why she stays in Aberdeen. Like I really really don't get it. She is hated. She never leaves her house alone and is rarely even out of her house. Her child doesn't have amy interaction with kids his own age as she has no friends and she doesn't take him anywhere other than soft play. Thank goodness he now has school for the interaction he deserves.
It's a sad state of affairs when even Aimee has a better social life than you 🤣🤣
Sad state of parenting when you need to be told by the police "concerns of your child" only then to say no longer access to M... don't see the "trolls" begging to see him or miss the vids just your huns/ strangers who save the vids of your child. Truly pathetic dangerous woman VaV


Mar 10, 2024
She’s baiting her followers, let’s be real here Chelsea has not called social work because the story is ludicrous when this apparent call was made to these services max would have been attending school this would have been flagged with school and the parent would have been met with the services at the school at pick up time I’m not new to this game iv worked in it the child would not get home if serious allegations where made especially a non verbal child the parents guardians would have been greeted at the school at no point would the police get involved unless it was a weekend and even then duty intake would turn up on her door step , the police would only get involved if the social work have turned up and found there may be a crime to be investigated not everyone is from your world ROBERTSON some of us live real professional lives working real life jobs in real life situations
Spot on, well the school will know all about it now if and it’s a big IF she has been accused of what she said she has been they will be keep an extra eye on her plus max would have been in school at some point ok Thursday so unless he went with his dad they wouldn’t have let him back with his mum it’s just utter rubbish she speaks and she has baited her Huns to believe a wild story but her videos show her acting nothing like a mother should if she has been accused of such a awful thing, they are just too thick to see it and call her out as they will be blocked.
Mar 8, 2024
Pimp mansion
If she was such a big woman she’d have said something to that lady, she literally stood , stared at her and didn’t say anything🤣
Vavs a sebag pass it on

My money would definitely be on that woman in a fight😂😂 ....she is giving the exact death stare I would if someone banged into me and didn't even apologize!!
Rude t 😡


Mar 11, 2024
And she is off buying followers again now at 460k obviously money she has made after her woa is me video ok Saturday no a chance she has had that many new follower how pathetic buying them Steph.
Same with her views on her posts between 100k-200k but like 3,000 likes🤣 👀

Even a blind person could see she buys followers/likes/engagement
Mar 8, 2024
My automatic response if I bump into someone is sorry... I'm not thinking they've touched my arse Vav you are a weirdo 🤨
She just loves herself that much she thinks a random woman just walked past her and touched her bum! Didn’t think “oh I walked back and didn’t see her so I’ve walked into her I should apologise” oh no it’s “she touched my bum.. did she touch my bum” what an absolute clown she is