Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 11, 2024
Orkney marshmallows comment on one of her comment about trolls and said they had trolls messaging them and vav actually mentioned a persons name so I don’t think are actually bothered what negative they get that business owner isn’t interested
Makes it worse that woman has a child aswell, no morals at all 🤢 hope her business collapses , cow
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
What gets me is the brass necks they all have ! They've done damage to people who dont deserve it ie phoning people's work , and they sit there stuffing their big fat gobs thinking they're the dogs bullocks !
I know they actually have no shame at all?? Like wtf!! I could not show my face, but again they blame everyone else and not them!! On her lives thinking she is someone important she is not. She is a sad sad individual who only has her mum and nana, no real friends, she ain’t truly happy and never will be. Now Steph see the people who was in your life they was not the problem YOU ARE!! I know you will read this. So take your head out the clouds and take accountability but you won’t. One day tho all your s will catch up and it is slowly and tell you I can’t wait for that

space raider

Mar 23, 2024
This munter works with kids ! She must scare them half to death with her face like a slapped arse 🙈🙈
She has one scary looking sour face, nothing comforting or warm about her at all. Poor kids must be terrified with that ugly mug staring back at them 😬 it’s hilarious that beefy flaps is basically gonna end up exactly like that too 😂 she’s not far off it now AND she pumps filler/Botox into it already 😅 and still manages to look like a hard faced b! U are not aging gracefully beefy 😂👌 I call that karma u t!
Mar 11, 2024
Noticed on tattle they mentioned that she tagged the bounty folk, imagine associating with someone like vav when they do a lot for charity and she is a charity thief
This surprised me tbh, I didn’t think they’d want the association. Saying that, I follow Bounty Leanne and the pair of them are up each others arses with the likes and comments 🤷🏼‍♀️

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
Ooft how to describe a marshmallow eh it's so soft n squishy ..aye doll it's a marshmallow they usually are 🤣🤣 b something wrong if it was like a brick ..nothing makes Easter like free s n oh I might get trolled the box of utter s I bought all lils friends ok friend people dae that aww the time ya daft cow n it's summer noo so the fleece wans are on sale emmm cause winters gone why not just go make up a wee bag cause yi got sent it tell the truth come on
Mar 11, 2024
How can the three witches sit there stuffing their big fat gobs while the wee man is screaming in the background not one of them gets up to see if he's ok ? Mother of the year I think not !!
Exactly! Not all 3 needed to be there, one could have amused max. But the 3 witches needed their faces seen on the TikTok for likes 😂 and pretend that are all one happy family or as we know them “best friends” 😂


Mar 10, 2024
This surprised me tbh, I didn’t think they’d want the association. Saying that, I follow Bounty Leanne and the pair of them are up each others arses with the likes and comments 🤷🏼‍♀️
I personally don’t like Leanne she is full of herself imo and the perfect friend for vav but they give money to charity and to be associated with a charity thief isn’t a good look
Mar 27, 2024
This dress in the news article below has just popped up and I realised I had seen Beefy wearing it. Just checked TL and it had been posted on there a few days ago when Beefy was wearing it on her live. I hope the TL lady won’t mind me using their photo

I don’t know about wearing it at Ascot, but a horse would wear this better than Beefy. She’s built like a brick s house

Photo Credit - Princess Charming
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Mar 8, 2024
Not posting a pic cause I’m not screenshotting pics of her kid but what on earth has she done with the filters on her Instagram post of L that it’s made L’s hand 30inches long and blurry 😂😂😂😂
*rolling my eyes back far enough to see my own birth**
They resemble the grinches fingers! What has she used to do this 😂😂😂😂