Of course she isn’t but she was happy to put it all over Tik tok to gain sympathy and if he was she should have reported him which she didn’t but her followers don’t know her ex and just what she has said so if his mental health was impacted that would be ok, I have had passed relationships and the guys have been dicks but I would never accuse them of anything unless it was truth most of the men she has been with have had a issue with her which speaks volumes and that is from people around Aberdeen who are related to those men before claims it’s just trolls.She’s defo no DV victim the way she behaves i unfortunately was in a DV relationship for over ten yrs I was a shell of my formal self I’ve also worked with these women who have experienced horrendous abuse at the hands of ex partners. The only thing this evil nasty deluded twisted Guinea pig rat is suffering from is severe self indulgence and a massive massive massive issue with quite severe mental health problems and it’s actually pretty worrying.