I got thinking about the part where she said other mums must look at the bond she has with her son wishing they had the same. Sorry what? No mums are looking at her wishing their sons clung to them at the school drop off neither do they want their sons sleeping with them. Most mums want their ASN children to be as dependent as possible, they want them to enjoy school and sleep in their own beds. She hasn’t thought this bed situation through has she? What happens when a man comes on the scene, kicked into his own again like the Rylan episode? If none appear what about as he gets older, she really needs to get this sorted now, it’s about Ms needs not hers. I don’t believe he sleeps with his dad
She can’t be bothered with a good bedtime routine so it’s likely she takes him to bed with her so she can scroll on her phone.
It’s all for her. Not him.
Like the posts about teaching him to get out the car himself, it’s because she can’t lift him no more. So she’s happy to teach what suits her.