Things that don’t add up
1. You have only ever been called Beefy here ( the word you keep mentioning that apparently triggered you) yet you didn’t read here and laughed at us all.
2. You laughed at the trolls don’t give them
any head space and had them all blocked and words filtered out.
3. You persistently when asked about slimming jabs deleted the comments and were laughing at people suggesting you were on them. And insisted it was all clean eating.
4. You were all body curve confident on your wee holiday and fingers up to the trolls saying you were the most confident you had been and loved your body. ( despite apparently jabbing yourself very close or just after that holiday)
5. You have openly said that have an ED and have a support team which included your Mum and Nana who usually would step in and get you the appropriate help and you said yourself they notice signs instantly with you. So we all noticed you were clearly using jabs and losing weight far to quick to just be clean eating and steps why didn’t they? The closest people to you? Doesn’t add up. Huns were all told not to worry about your weight because you had such a vigilant team around you.
6. Can you address whether you lied to Gill Baird or she knew? As this could be damaging for her too.
7. I’m guessing aren’t we Lils seen that in the fridge too? And seen her Mum shrink and lie to people online too so I hope she gets the right support and doesn’t land up with an ED.
8. People with a real ED don’t mention how much they have lost , eat on camera especially fast foods, prance about with revealing clothes on for attention and stock their tits out. Just saying.
This is the thing she's saying she's not saying online about her weightloss , as she has a young following
what about ur daughter who u live with . Who sees u ,day In day out shovelling fatty foods down ur face , no exercise , no actual real effort to become healthy . But u teach her lying about ur weightloss n to go for the easy option that has so many side effects and claims that you have an ED n depression yet continues to bait trolls as u call them
n cause ppl to call you out for youre lies . Looking at ur daughter I feel she has already got ur poor attitude about her weight n u have already damaged that poor girl. Maybe focus closer to home n see what ur damaging behaviour may be doing to you're own daughter. Claims she's scared what will happen to her kids when she's gone but taking weightloss Injections for vanity reasons , when ur not mentally stable as u say 🫡n have a ED which could cause further problems . That to me is very damaging.