Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

space raider

Mar 23, 2024
Mortifying STILL that she was getting changed in to a swimsuit for a random and chatting this guy up. He doesn’t have tiktok.. so she thinks she can disrespect a guy cause he can’t see. I know it’s only their first date but if a guy I was waiting to go on a date with was on tiktok getting in to trunks for some random he’d be telt to bolt, he sounds like a beg.
Tye tiktok dude is actually quite cringe tbh 😂 and no offence but he can’t really sing either 🥴 I mean his voice ain’t bad but it has the auto tune turned up to the max and even I could sound good with that se cranked up 🙈 I see through people like this on a daily which is why I don’t go out much 😂 I can’t deal with the embarrassment
Mar 10, 2024
The size of her thigh in that shoe. They are awful and they don’t suit her at all. Her legs are just massive.
And this poor fella hasn’t got social media or TikTok so he has no idea what a danger she is. She’s so manipulative and just a disgrace. Saying she’s got limited time hahahaha yeah to spend on her phone staring at herself.. taking to strange men… attending events she doesn’t need to.. anything but spend time with her kids!
Did she talk to anyone at this event or just take se pictures of herself all the time?
Mar 11, 2024
Absolutely no chance in hell she has a date.

Who on earth would post on social media to that many people they were going on a first date. She doesn’t even know him, so why let people think you are if it goes nowhere.

He doesn’t have SM so obv a private person so why would she post it all over.

Anyone in their right mind would keep it a secret until you knew it was going somewhere. Especially knowing if it didn’t go anywhere she’d be on another one in a week.

You just know the content for Monday will be it was a date from hell.

Can anyone remember a few months back she does an instagram questions saying tell me your first date horrors …. She’s defo saved one to use. Little munter