Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
100% thinking she is the big thing that Emma who has the blush out at the moment she didn’t get. Big launch she did a funny promo with her dad and her blusher and then has went on to do a fab bubbly live with Sean and I would 100% but from her, vav blush looks awful even on Mel it just looks brown like dirty.
It’s more of a contour shade if anything looks like clay 🫢🫢 but she dirty looking I bought 4 of Emma’s just to give her support


Mar 9, 2024
See this bull s she’s never away from her kids 😂😭 Manchester next week, wether it’s a day or more is irrelevant now, how many over nights or time away from her kids has she had this year alone…. A lot more than some and she pleads she’s this single mum who has no time to herself.

We go away a good bit for wee trips but we do the same with the kids, we are quite fortunate we have a nanny we use (I don’t have any family), she cooks and cleans, it’s brill 😂 but that is a luxury to us, she goes away willy nilly
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Exactly my dad was from Glasgow and my mums mum. She moved up to Aberdeen when she was a little girl my grandma. So I know where my temper comes from🤣🤣🤣 I always say that my family down there are a different breed you just don't give a do🤣🤣🙈 and that's very much like me, my mum is the same. My brother is so so different he's laid back
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I gotta be honest. I don’t think the pram thing is true. He’s a very big child and could tip a pram easily causing serious injury. If he rocks or jumps forward the whole thing would tip.

I hate her as much as anyone but I don’t think this is true.

That's what I said when I first got told. Harley told one of his friends and then you know what like. Mind you i was speaking to someone else and she knew about it and she does not even have tik tok etc. a beauty therapists I know, she is in Ellon and again we was speaking about vav. She told me that and I said I heard that aswell so god knows