Tattle Taylor swift thread

Clara Bow

New member
Aug 1, 2024
Hiya “love.” Perhaps you need to ask then why so many of your old friends are throwing your name into the mix? Along with CYR.
Does contacting someone’s abusive ex husband while in a custody battle not ring any bells? Turning against others in the group who thought of you all as friends/a support network when you got bored and doxxing them. Threatening to contact workplaces etc? If it’s all bullshit, I’m listening, but someone is responsible and it’s always the same names being thrown into the ring. No smoke without fire.
You are the only person who mentioned her name.


New member
Aug 1, 2024
Hiya “love.” Perhaps you need to ask then why so many of your old friends are throwing your name into the mix? Along with CYR.
Does contacting someone’s abusive ex husband while in a custody battle not ring any bells? Turning against others in the group who thought of you all as friends/a support network when you got bored and doxxing them. Threatening to contact workplaces etc? If it’s all bullshit, I’m listening, but someone is responsible and it’s always the same names being thrown into the ring. No smoke without fire.
Like I said Wormpoohead. You’ve got my details. Give me a bell, or better yet get my details from who ever is feeding you this.
Let’s set some things straight shall I.

Whose abusive ex husband did I contact exactly?
Who did I turn against, and better yet “doxx” anyone that left the group was never doxxed.
Nor did I turn against anyone, 3 people left on their own accord, one was left because they were called out by someone else, NOT ME.

Nor would I ever threaten to report someone to their workplace, come on now this is clutching, I’d never jeopardise someone’s job because they were not longer in a group chat.

As I said, you’ve got my details, or you can get them if CYR is accusing me of something I’m not doing this on an online forum, frankly it’s pathetic. If you’re that angry with me say it with chest and say it with your own details so I know who you are.

And as for the rest of the group, if they’re now calling me, that’s on them. I’m not the one who bit someone’s head off because they didn’t like the language she used. I’m not the one who uses other members as mouth pieces to call other members out so they too feel uncomfortable and ultimately leave.

Also I wouldn’t call them friends. They were people I met online, they were nothing more nothing less. They made absolutely no impact on my life. 🙂


New member
Aug 3, 2024
Hiya “love.” Perhaps you need to ask then why so many of your old friends are throwing your name into the mix? Along with CYR.
Does contacting someone’s abusive ex husband while in a custody battle not ring any bells? Turning against others in the group who thought of you all as friends/a support network when you got bored and doxxing them. Threatening to contact workplaces etc? If it’s all bullshit, I’m listening, but someone is responsible and it’s always the same names being thrown into the ring. No smoke without fire.
Oh shut up Sam. Such a trouble maker. You need to move on, it’s embarrassing keep talking about people. No one was doxxed. Go play your switch and get off threads.


New member
Aug 1, 2024
This really is getting out of hand now. There’s no need to mention people’s names. I’m big enough to fight my own battles, people can contact me directly for a polite discussion. It doesn’t need to take place on a Taylor Swift thread of all places.
Let it move on and get back to our lives. Certain people are better left in the past.


New member
Jul 13, 2024
This really is getting out of hand now. There’s no need to mention people’s names. I’m big enough to fight my own battles, people can contact me directly for a polite discussion. It doesn’t need to take place on a Taylor Swift thread of all places.
Let it move on and get back to our lives. Certain people are better left in the past.
lol polite discussion like you have on tattle? You’re the one going round making snide remarks about people. And making poor jiggly jugs’ life a misery. Jog on hunni.


New member
Aug 1, 2024
lol polite discussion like you have on tattle? You’re the one going round making snide remarks about people. And making poor jiggly jugs’ life a misery. Jog on hunni.
How am I making her life a misery?😂😂😂
I merely read her thread as I used to watch her back in the day.


New member
Aug 1, 2024
You’re a well known troll of hers tormenting her and naming her kids. Please don’t play dumb it doesn’t suit you.
Okay love if you say so.
Not to sound like an echo chamber but if you’ve got an issue, contact me directly let’s have a polite and frank adult conversation. Not on a forum about a pop star. It’s tedious.



Jul 17, 2024
Surprised Fire GIF


Aug 1, 2024
I don't trust someone based on their previous behaviour and actions. That ain't bullying it's called not being naive!
This is completely understandable, but from what I have seen on here it seems to be all "talk" and not a whole lot of proof. It is nice that people are giving a warning, but to keep saying these people can't be trusted with no reasoning to it, I think they are probably valid in not listening to the accusations.


New member
Jul 16, 2024
This is completely understandable, but from what I have seen on here it seems to be all "talk" and not a whole lot of proof. It is nice that people are giving a warning, but to keep saying these people can't be trusted with no reasoning to it, I think they are probably valid in not listening to the accusations.
There's loads in public.
This post Olivia Bowen #4 Says she’s getting broody, but ask her about kids and she gets real moody
Saying a woman in her underwear makes her feel sick is not someone that should be part of a positive community about supporting each other and lifting each other up. There are many more posts like this. She's a vile person for her public views and I'm uncomfortable with how much further she would no doubt go in private.
Mar 1, 2024
I know, I have no idea who any of these people are, or what’s happened to be honest but it’s wild and I am hooked 😂
It makes a very interesting read. I thought this was about Taylor swift, I don’t see the hype with her sorry fans, don’t throw your bracelets and glitter at me.