Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 23, 2024
Naw I actually cannot cope I choked on my drink when she said it 🤣 now I know I'm probably a bit over tired and anything is funny right now but Jesus christ. She is such a fraud and makes it so obvious 🤣 my dad has an actual alarm system and not once in my life have I heard "I should probably disarm that alarm system" hahahahaaah aw Aimee give the do over.
🤣🤣🤣 I mean what does the stupid f think they going to do?? Nick off with her McDonald’s and spicy rice! Or break in and shave her chin? Honestly she literally lives in her own fantasy head! I don’t know wether it’s hilarious or infuriating .. I tend to swap between the two… tbh I think she is playing the victim to her family about how unsafe she is a bit like she does with the illnesses and she’s loving the attention from daddy and mammy! As well as a narc she definitely shows signs of a split Personality disorder….in the past I worked with patients with this disorder for a while and she shows several signs along with the lying the manipulating and the attention seeking
Mar 8, 2024
Here we chuffin go! Owd Gigi the granny gash flasher pity party video….. oh my Aimee she’s so so poorly 🤦‍♀️flash the gash ended up there sorting Aimee’s se out whilst the lazy b slept seriously!!!
I think I actually hate this woman!!! 😡 So basically she's been told to do a tik tok mummy about how poorly I am! Obviously the lazy f watched her do all her work again! Wendy your other daughter was really feeling poorly and what did you do?? Went on the piss and shopping trip with princess Fiona!!
Charlie if you ready here, you do a great job and you should do these 2 wasters off!!!
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
🤣🤣🤣 I mean what does the stupid f think they going to do?? Nick off with her McDonald’s and spicy rice! Or break in and shave her chin? Honestly she literally lives in her own fantasy head! I don’t know wether it’s hilarious or infuriating .. I tend to swap between the two… tbh I think she is playing the victim to her family about how unsafe she is a bit like she does with the illnesses and she’s loving the attention from daddy and mammy! As well as a narc she definitely shows signs of a split Personality disorder….in the past I worked with patients with this disorder for a while and she shows several signs along with the lying the manipulating and the attention seeking
Yep I've said it for a couple of years now, she has a personality disorder. She craves any kind of attention good or bad. It's never her fault it's always someone else's. Expectations of others but never herself. The security system isn't even that, I don't know how she blatantly lies like I'd die inside.
Mar 17, 2024
Surely her huns must see the difference between how slapper geriatric blue oyster wend, treats the two girls differently.
I don’t really care for Charlie but I will say, she’s head and shoulders above them. She’s clean, independent, works and cooks. she had a dry tooth socket a couple of weeks ago, and anyone who knows they are horrifically painful, and where was Wendy, probably shoving ice lollies up Aimee’s arse.
Aimee obviously has issues and whatever they are, everyone for a reason has to mollycoddle her.
Let me tell you I've had a full hysterectomy. My appendix out, a fractured coccyx in my time but NOTHING I repeat nothing compares to dry socket!! I really felt for Charlie and I'm not a fan but she will have been suffering!!!! Whilst still being a fully functioning fing mother! Whilst t hat and s-tits were having 'the best day evvvver' round Liverpool 😑🙄🙈
Mar 8, 2024
2 x nurses between yesterday and last night it was hot tea thrown over us then attacked so now they aren't allowed hot liquids until things have calmed down. A day in the life lol but I love the job 😊
I know I loved working on the wards but you do need danger money 😳 I was quite greatful it was milk 😳🤣 but was just funny that I was trying to get him to drink it but he took it and said ok give us it here ....then bam have that ya b 🤣🤣
Mar 17, 2024
Well....I slept in today lol I forgot to set my alarm but ah well it's miserable outside and I must have needed it. Off tonight woohoo! Plans are to make something nice for dinner and start that baby reindeer everyones talking about! I've skimmed through the pages since the morning but haven't watched her. But honestly I'm beginning to think wendy is her carer cause the contrast of care between those 2 girls of Wendy's is terrible. Charlie wasn't well last week and they ditched her to go to town and eat and drink. Doesn't even occur to wendy to jump on a train to her if she can't drive. I really think she can but doesn't bother her hole. If I was Charlie I'd cut the pair off.
Nothing beats the first sleep after a run of night's 🤣 I have to peel myself out of bed sometimes. I hope your leg is OK!! Enjoy baby reindeer it's certainly ermmmm eye opening 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mar 23, 2024
In n
So she has kept Harper home because she's got a pain in her back and hamming it up as usual so her mother does the work for her. She's so transparent, if wendy left her to fend for herself she would soon get on with it. Because she would have to take responsibility for herself. It's her decision to be getting it all done and she's had a week to do it all but she's been to lazy to have done it all over the week rather than all at once but she knew you would do it for her wendy so she banged the wine in last night no doubt with a takeaway cause she deserves it and is hanging today. Do you know who genuinely needed some attention and help last week but isn't a crying bastard like your oldest? Charlie! How you can say you adore her and Ralph is beyond me. Nipping round to see aimee and Harper. Never ever hear you using a day off to go see Charlie whether she's working or not you can go to her house and wait for her to finish or collect Ralph from school for her like you do with Harper for aimee. Absolute disgrace.
i remember once on one of her lives Wendy was banging on saying Harper was the love of her life and people started piping up saying what about Ralph! Your right it’s an absolute disgrace
Mar 8, 2024
Wendy if you’re reading here you should be ashamed of yourself! you and your stupid fing daughter are an absolute s show! Poor Charlie man! Dry socket vs hangover fake illness! do off! I hope Charlie takes your grandson and cuts you off you don’t even deserve them! Stick with your fed up daughter… this has me raging!
Spot on and me too 😡😡
I was ok before seeing that post of hers ....really hope Charlie reads here and thinks you know what they are right (I'm sure she knows this already!)


Mar 8, 2024
I think I actually hate this woman!!! 😡 So basically she's been told to do a tik tok mummy about how poorly I am! Obviously the lazy f watched her do all her work again! Wendy your other daughter was really feeling poorly and what did you do?? Went on the piss and shopping trip with princess Fiona!!
Charlie if you ready here, you do a great job and you should do these 2 wasters off!!!
I can’t stand her either
Apr 1, 2024
Let me tell you I've had a full hysterectomy. My appendix out, a fractured coccyx in my time but NOTHING I repeat nothing compares to dry socket!! I really felt for Charlie and I'm not a fan but she will have been suffering!!!! Whilst still being a fully functioning fing mother! Whilst t hat and s-tits were having 'the best day evvvver' round Liverpool 😑🙄🙈
Ouch poor you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ fractured coccyx I can’t imagine how bad that must’ve.
Yep dry socket 😩😩😩 at the time if I’d of been offered death, I’d choose death. It is hand on heart one of the most painful things, I have trigeminal neuralgia and that’s bad, it’s not called su****e disease for nothing, dry socket is up there. And Charlie got no help, disgusting. She just had to get on with it. Something has definitely happened that keeps Aimee babied.

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
Naw I've rewatched that back and I really do think she's going to the tour. She needs fly kicked. The money I've spent on tickets, accommodation, outfits for her to get it handed to her for dishing up s dinners. I swear the devil looks after his own! t! @allaboardthebirkeybike @PecanPieCrust
She needs shaming if she does in the press and any other bone idol so called creator that’s gifted it all
My daughter has worked extra hours, been planning with her girlfriends for ages , like you say accommodation, train tickets etc
I will also be absolutely fuming 😡


Mar 23, 2024
Spot on and me too 😡😡
I was ok before seeing that post of hers ....really hope Charlie reads here and thinks you know what they are right (I'm sure she knows this already!)
Tbh I just feel sorry for her because she is doing all the right things single
Mother working! Independent! Takes her son out and swimming etc! Cooks home cooked meals! Budgets! Even said yesterday on her post that her ex’s partner is lovely! Then you have geriatric Barbie basically spoon fed and arse wiped it’s totally fed up and it’s almost weird it creeps me out tbh 🤣 did you see her eye wrinkles on that plate video compared to her eyes on her live when selling the eye cream .. her huns are dumb arses
Apr 1, 2024
Naw I've rewatched that back and I really do think she's going to the tour. She needs fly kicked. The money I've spent on tickets, accommodation, outfits for her to get it handed to her for dishing up s dinners. I swear the devil looks after his own! t! @allaboardthebirkeybike @PecanPieCrust
I think so too, I’m not a swifty, but I know how hard and valued those tickets are. I think she’s going to go with Stephanie vavron and her daughter.