Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
She will act like she's the biggest fan to! Yet not know a single song that's not been released. She makes my blood boil at times but when people work hard to get what she's handed for free for doing sweet do all but lay on her sofa sleeping while her mother picks up after her. It's a bloody joke!
Where have you got the idea she’s going to this concert? I’m praying for you that she hasn’t 🙏🏼 she won’t know any of the music and will just get off her tits and look like a fella who’s doing a really bad job of transitioning. She needs to use her wonderful laser on that tash for starters.
Does she have an Adam’s apple? I’ll have to look closely next time I see her
Mar 17, 2024
Where have you got the idea she’s going to this concert? I’m praying for you that she hasn’t 🙏🏼 she won’t know any of the music and will just get off her tits and look like a fella who’s doing a really bad job of transitioning. She needs to use her wonderful laser on that tash for starters.
Does she have an Adam’s apple? I’ll have to look closely next time I see her
I think she is in her fing tinman costume from her I've got a big event in June... the eras tour is then!!! And that is something a Swiftie would wear!! Well not me personally but Taylor would!! Then s Vav said "she can see the vision" we know Vavs going but not sure when but you know one thing I will say about Vav at least she's bought them! And mentioned Taylor/used her sounds more than once! I swear if I add everything together I bet I've spent close to a grand for 2of us!! If she gets 'gifted' to stand with a trout pout, sipping through her straw and not knowing what the do is going on... I'll be raaaaging!!!! 😭😭😭😭
Mar 29, 2024
Here and there
Dish up s is back this evening. Happy days. After her Mum cleared out her mess . Unbelievable. She can’t do anything on her own. Makes me sick. Not capable of the slightest thing 🤢 eat drink and men it’s the only 3 things she’s interested in. Can’t stand her !
She’s obsessed with cucumber… cucumber and tomato soup ffs 😂😂
Mar 8, 2024
Aimless believe it or not the huns don't actually find you funny. In this day and age, sadly, some people, have it in their mind that people with alot of followers on social media are some form of celebrity and important person. By them commenting things that will please you they are hoping you give them some form of acknowledgement. They don't think you are a good mum. They don't think your home is lovely. They don't think you are a great person, because they don't even know you. They just want to feel noticed by someone they think has a bit of notoriety. It's actually a very sad society we live in
Well said 👏
Mar 4, 2024
If she is gifted swifty tickets she’s going to gain A LOT more haters. It was almost impossible for her die hard fans to get hold of them. We were one of the lucky ones, my daughter had pre ordered one of the albums over a year before the tour was announced, so we managed to get them via the “Midnights” pre sale luckily, as we didn’t get selected via the ballot.
Im sure many of the “huns” are fans, and I can’t see them being happy if tickets that are harder to get hold of than rocket horse s, are flippantly handed out to random “creators” for the sake of it, when they’re so hard for actual fans to get.
Mar 8, 2024
She will claim to go to GP and get an emergency sane day appointment to be seen and confirm it is indeed a UTI and she wanted antibiotics.
From someone who also claimed to have c.diff previously any subsequent prescribing and useage of antibiotics should be very carefully considered and monitored.
From what she posts she will have liver problem sweepstake at the ready.....AFLD...gallstones and ulcer
Believe me..she will be known and eyes will roll when she calls or goes in...for a fact! 🙄🤦‍♀️