Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Wonder if she’s too pissed off for DUD 🤔🤣🙄
Of course she is, she's also ordering YET ANOTHER takeaway as well and she can't cope with the hate shel get. Lazy f. I think she gets pissed up every night after DUD coz she NEVER EVER posts after, have u noticed? Also she said once in her comments that she drinks every night midweek. She massively hits the bottle, that's why she gets thru so much booze I mean she never has any fing friends round does she? COZ SHE AINT fING GOT ANY !!


Feb 28, 2024
Hitting the booze early tonight then 👍 no DUD THANK do it's coz she's ordering a KFC FOR 6 and can't be fed with the drama 😂😂😂😂 shouldn't be such a lazy fing pig then should ya Aimee, buying puddings so you can throw your easy come easy go spending habits in people's faces then acting all sad and fing pitiful when you get pulled up on your greed and utter wastefulness turning comments off. You're a fing disgrace of a human being. GREEDY LAZY fING SLOB .....Feeling better??? Clearly you are now your mum cleaned and moved all your stuff and entertained your daughter while you kipped on the settee, do ME!! Shel be pissed up by now, sat on her fat arse ordering her banquet for a small army . I hope she chokes on it
Oh there you are!! How are you lovely ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 20, 2024
lol at the first comment
Second comment - you clearly know that comment wasn’t an attack. She was commending you really, it was a compliment. You know that though don’t you. You’re just saying sorry to everyone in hopes people feel sorry for you - acting like you’re really beating yourself up at the minute. Are you eck. You’ve just created some evening entertainment for yourself! (And us, thank you babe)
Apr 3, 2024
If you ever want to know how a narcassist mind works then her caption on the sest apology/clapback says it all!!! What she wants you to read is I'm not at all sorry for acting like a dick on my taste test. I've tagged the person responsible for upsetting me so much and interfering with my adoration so feel free to attack them and do my dirty work for them. Do I se deserve the hate but I know full well it will get my huns feeling sorry for me if I pretend to be upset!!!!
The accent was all over the show too, going up at the end of each sentence. As fake as the apology itself. I'll give her her dues... She knows exactly what she is doing. Vile.