Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Apr 11, 2024
Exactly this! Lies after lies! Oh best say I need to save up ha we all know the truth! And bought new chair and new sideboard and £200 on takeaways that TL tracked. £300 on glasses, all that food! 2 holidays, Harpers bedroom. All the clothes that she doesn't show us that are £100+ per item! £24 for water.. the list is endless! Xxx
She must be loaded. She spends so much money. Not at all relatable.
Mar 10, 2024
I like cats but it would be an absolute no to 5, she shouldn’t even have 1 as she’s not clean enough of a person to have pets. She looks so dirty, the house looks so dirty and dingy too. Ugh 🤢

I actually thought she’d have got rid of the two girl kittens by now and just have kept Remi Boy (the rage I get when she does that 🤣) as he’s the clear fave.
I had two cats but I have two hands so makes sense. Five though… the food bills, vets bills… stench of 5 cats needing a s at the same time. 🤢
She doesn’t strike me as an air freshener lass. Maybe the house coat is always on cause the windows are always wide trying to let fresh air pass 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 8, 2024
She's fing hammered on that vid. And the dress looks fing awful, she hasn't g ot a clue. And no, she can't 'blame' someone else as usual, no one forced her to order it, the stupid t!!!
I’ve just watched some of this back and she absolutely is pissed out of her head. I didn’t realise the first time I saw this when she posted it. But oh my god it’s so obvious