Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
I agree. So sad for this poor girl. If you enjoy time with your child you don’t touch that dam phone. Something to do with respect as well. She makes me sick. Sitting there filming herself eating is absolutely disgusting 🤮.

It really is sad. Throwing her only daughter’s childhood away over an app. Beyond belief really. And I know I keep saying this but she’s no business eating on camera as she’s the ugliest eater ever.

I haven't watched this dory creator, surely she is not going to copy her with making cocktails? Absolute cringe! I'm cringing already and she hasn't even posted it yet. 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Aimee has copied a few things off Dory, she tries to copy her manner and demeanour too. She does it with others too like that Lauren S, Vav and Sophiena. She’s not an original thought in her big greasy sweaty head.


Mar 9, 2024
Her skin damage is horrendous. Her chest is all crepy. I bed if you put her under that filter that shows damage she’ll be like a 100 year old testicle.
I am so sorry I not laughing at you talking about skin damage as I strongly agree she is playing a very risky game using sun beds but the comment of looking like a 100 year old testicle had me howling! 😂😂💀😂😂
Mar 17, 2024
Aimee is just so disrespectful. She throws around words like trauma not caring about those of you who have actually suffered and experienced them for real, unlike her who wouldn't know the meaning of the words. She's a god aweful individual.
🤬 Trigger warning- DV 🤬

I can inbox her some pics and videos of trauma if she's really that twisted!!! I swear to god I fing hate this woman but when she even eludes to trauma or DV my blood runs cold!! 🤬🤬🤬 I hate to admit but my ex fits the D3 mould to a tee!! 🤢🤬 Get yourself a prison husband Shamey only GBH with intent, possession and use of a bladed weapon and threats to kill nothing major!!! fing delusional stupid, disrespectful, desperate fing excuse of a person because at this point you aren't fing fit to call yourself a woman!!! And certainly not a fing Mother because b let me tell you about my mother and all the hours sat in the ICU while her daughter was unrecognisable, fighting for her life!!!!
Anyone triggered I'm so sorry and you got this!! ❤️ and YOU .. if you've heard about the Bear or Man debate.. b pick the man!!!! I'm so sorry but I'm so fing angry!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Mar 9, 2024
😡 bloody trying to copy Dory now it seems with the whole cocktail content!

Dory is clean, presentable and makes such lovely looking cocktails!

Aimee Arsehole video is going to resemble the end of a punch bowl at a teenage party!
Just gonna be a video of her saying erm oh just a dash whilst pouring in everything - including cat piss - and her saying it’s fine it fine.

Hey we know how her beef turned out looking like pork so cocktail will end up looking like cat piss literally!

Also just thinking if she making cocktails why not use all the drink she already has in her house as she says she always has loads but just “stocking up” so why has she had to go out to buy more alcohol for the cocktails?