Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 20, 2024
I was working in a nursing home from the age of 16. This was when we lifted patients hoists etc. Even the beds had a foot pedal not electric and there were what we called monkey bars for them to grab!
When I look back I was so young to be doing that role... Finding people passed away 💔 and dealing with commodes and pads! Never forgot old Joebwho pinched your bum if your back was turned! We were called Nursing Auxiliaries then!
God i feel old all of a sudden. I guess I found my vocation from that role. 💕
Back and neck are fed amongst other stuff. 🤷‍♀️
I will see myself out to the 'old people's home'...byeeee 👵 🤣
I agree! We also employ 16 year olds. I could’ve sworn you had to be 18 to admin meds but 🤷‍♀️ they doing it anyway. It’s a hard job you need common sense, mental strength, physical strength, confidence etc which not a lot of teenagers have developed at that point. I lost one of my ladies in feb at an amazing age of 96, having to go into her looking unrecognisable and watching her die was just heartbreaking 💔 I nearly packed in there and then. I’m too emotional for this s! 🤣 I went to her funeral and got a special shout-out from her family for becoming her friend ❤️❤️ her family gave me some money as a thank you, I went and bought a cross and chain necklace to remember her by. I’m still wearing it now, there’s positives and negatives to this kind of job.

But hey, I’ve never done an old man’s shopping for them in m&s so, I don’t think I’ll be welcomed into the pearly gates in the sky just yet🤭🤭🤭🤭
Mar 8, 2024
Pain and ill health are no laughing matter are they! I see everyone’s struggles of my lovely elderly clients and I feel horrid I can’t do anything for them. I wouldn’t wish any ill health to my worst enemies. My Nan had those injections often too! The nasty thing with arthritis is you can only try and manage the pain but you can’t get rid of it. Hope you’re doing ok I’m sorry to hear about your struggles ☹️
You’re right Her mum will never be the same now, time to take care of her!
Mine are minimal compared to most people so I don't want to claim I'm hard done by. I guess I was just validating pain and that its not to be sniffed at. I'm actually not that old (48 going on 8i isn’t bad 🤣) and can now appreciate when older people complain about pain. But thank you for acknowledging what i said❤️ xx
There are many patients who just take paracetamol bless them. Usually NSAIDS are a no go for most. 😞
I saw a lady in agony with her knees the other day and booked her straight in to the joint injection clinic. She was so happy 🥺❤️
Mar 8, 2024
Ladies ladies ladies and men too if there are any !! Sorry I don’t comment a lot as I just don’t have Time , I check in regularly and love reading all your hilarious comments but you all missed something tonight on her DUD !!! Can you hazard a guess ?!?! …. I spotted it within seconds ….. she did NOT use a filter !! Her double chin had saddle bags and she looked rough as f**k and puffier than a puffer fish …. She obviously thinks her Botox is working and didn’t need the filter ….. she needs a refund or a new mirror 🙈
Anyone got the vid pls? 🙏
May 24, 2024
The World
Yeah I'm 9-5 at a desk!!! Helping anybody who wants it with substance misuse. No manual handling needed!! Unfortunately 20+ yrs as an A+E nurse didn't help. I still can't touch that part of my back 😱😱 🦄🦋💐
I watch A&E programs, take my hat off to people in all NHS but especially that department. See some things 🤯
Mar 8, 2024
I agree! We also employ 16 year olds. I could’ve sworn you had to be 18 to admin meds but 🤷‍♀️ they doing it anyway. It’s a hard job you need common sense, mental strength, physical strength, confidence etc which not a lot of teenagers have developed at that point. I lost one of my ladies in feb at an amazing age of 96, having to go into her looking unrecognisable and watching her die was just heartbreaking 💔 I nearly packed in there and then. I’m too emotional for this s! 🤣 I went to her funeral and got a special shout-out from her family for becoming her friend ❤️❤️ her family gave me some money as a thank you, I went and bought a cross and chain necklace to remember her by. I’m still wearing it now, there’s positives and negatives to this kind of job.

But hey, I’ve never done an old man’s shopping for them in m&s so, I don’t think I’ll be welcomed into the pearly gates in the sky just yet🤭🤭🤭🤭
Oh bless you 💕 lovely they honoured you like that.
I feel like I was more mature then than the young uns of today.
I think I had to grow up and fend for myself at an early age (as prev discussed) so I think I had a degree of emotional intelligence back then.
It's weird as I had my daughter at 24 and she's nearly 24. Cant imagine her having a child. I was also a home owner at that point.
I enjoyed the work and worked nights as well sometimes. We had a good team of all ages and got on great. I still remember many of the residents names. Funny that but can't remember what I go upstairs for....anyone relate?? 🤪🤣❤️
Mar 8, 2024
I agree! We also employ 16 year olds. I could’ve sworn you had to be 18 to admin meds but 🤷‍♀️ they doing it anyway. It’s a hard job you need common sense, mental strength, physical strength, confidence etc which not a lot of teenagers have developed at that point. I lost one of my ladies in feb at an amazing age of 96, having to go into her looking unrecognisable and watching her die was just heartbreaking 💔 I nearly packed in there and then. I’m too emotional for this s! 🤣 I went to her funeral and got a special shout-out from her family for becoming her friend ❤️❤️ her family gave me some money as a thank you, I went and bought a cross and chain necklace to remember her by. I’m still wearing it now, there’s positives and negatives to this kind of job.

But hey, I’ve never done an old man’s shopping for them in m&s so, I don’t think I’ll be welcomed into the pearly gates in the sky just yet🤭🤭🤭🤭
Oh bless you 💕 lovely they honoured you like that.
I feel like I was more mature then than the young uns of today.
I think I had to grow up and fend for myself at an early age (as prev discussed) so I think I had a degree of emotional intelligence back then.
It's weird as I had my daughter at 24 and she's nearly 24. Cant imagine her having a child. I was also a home owner at that point.
I enjoyed the work and worked nights as well sometimes. We had a good team of all ages and got on great. I still remember many of the residents names. Funny that but can't remember what I go upstairs for....anyone relate?? 🤪🤣❤️
You did it! At the risk of sounding patronising...well done lol. Thanks 💕
May 24, 2024
The World
I agree! We also employ 16 year olds. I could’ve sworn you had to be 18 to admin meds but 🤷‍♀️ they doing it anyway. It’s a hard job you need common sense, mental strength, physical strength, confidence etc which not a lot of teenagers have developed at that point. I lost one of my ladies in feb at an amazing age of 96, having to go into her looking unrecognisable and watching her die was just heartbreaking 💔 I nearly packed in there and then. I’m too emotional for this s! 🤣 I went to her funeral and got a special shout-out from her family for becoming her friend ❤️❤️ her family gave me some money as a thank you, I went and bought a cross and chain necklace to remember her by. I’m still wearing it now, there’s positives and negatives to this kind of job.

But hey, I’ve never done an old man’s shopping for them in m&s so, I don’t think I’ll be welcomed into the pearly gates in the sky just yet🤭🤭🤭🤭
I’ll carry you 😘☁️✨
Mar 9, 2024
Maybe darling daughter should start looking after her aging mother and father, dear knows they've spend enough time, money and effort on her over the years!! Hate to say it but it just gets tougher, a couple more years and H will be a teenager and her parents will need care. She will soon come down to earth with a bump when the world stops revolving around her.
Nah - she will be packing her parents off in homes ( daddy probs sill has shares in one somewhere) and H will be in foster care or rehab!
Mar 20, 2024
Oh bless you 💕 lovely they honoured you like that.
I feel like I was more mature then than the young uns of today.
I think I had to grow up and fend for myself at an early age (as prev discussed) so I think I had a degree of emotional intelligence back then.
It's weird as I had my daughter at 24 and she's nearly 24. Cant imagine her having a child. I was also a home owner at that point.
I enjoyed the work and worked nights as well sometimes. We had a good team of all ages and got on great. I still remember many of the residents names. Funny that but can't remember what I go upstairs for....anyone relate?? 🤪🤣❤️
I think I’m quite mature for my age too! I remember few days back everyone was talking about their relatives etc who came on the ‘blob’ early, I was 11 just turned so still in primary, and you all said they ended up being very mature for their age. So I’m thinking there’s a common denominator here! I’m proud of always being mature but not all it’s cracked up to be is it. Sometimes I just want to be a kid cos I don’t feel like I was one for very long! I was wiping my little brothers arse changing nappies at 9, feeding him his bedtime bottle etc (that’s h’s age, Jesus)
Mar 8, 2024
I think I’m quite mature for my age too! I remember few days back everyone was talking about their relatives etc who came on the ‘blob’ early, I was 11 just turned so still in primary, and you all said they ended up being very mature for their age. So I’m thinking there’s a common denominator here! I’m proud of always being mature but not all it’s cracked up to be is it. Sometimes I just want to be a kid cos I don’t feel like I was one for very long! I was wiping my little brothers arse changing nappies at 9, feeding him his bedtime bottle etc (that’s h’s age, Jesus)
Tbh you don't come across younger in your conversation and messages. I wouldn't have guessed or thought any different. I have work pals who are younger than my daughter but are very mature and wise for their age. ❤️🥰
Mar 8, 2024
I'm still here, thank you for asking ❤ Just been having a bit of a breather away from watching thatskankymama, as her delusional belligerence and Dish Up Dogshite are sooo annoying! And as for the endless, needless shopping trips, well, the rage is raging!! 🤣
Glad you are ok. Here if u ever need a chat.
I don't forget those of you who were kind and supportive towards me over on t'uther site a while back. ❤️❤️