Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Wholeheartedly agree. Can whoever is using derogatory slang terms for people with mental ill health please stop it. We cannot speak out of both sides of our mouths, when we are all concerned that Aimee makes a mockery of true sufferers, then come on here or T and name call users here in such a demeaning way.
That's all I would like to add.
As you were ❤️
Mar 8, 2024
I am also autistic & adhd diagnosed as an adult & I’ve known catpiss since I was 11.
My opinion is because she takes snippets of life from other creators it comes across as she might be. Believe me she isn’t and has always been a nasty person who will try anything for attention and act stupid. She is 100% a narcissist in every aspect of her life & she sees herself as someone special when in reality she is a sad, lonely, bitter, spoilt cnut xx
Thanks Jo. I get the mean girls vibe from her. Definitely that spoilt kid at school that people tried to avoid!


Mar 8, 2024
I don’t think I can despise this witch more than I do this morning. Three bags from Costa. She has an Airfryer which can cook bacon in 10 minutes and a Velvetiser to make Hot Chocolate in a couple of minutes. She could make it quicker than it takes to deliver. She food shops continuously so why can’t she have buns and bacon ready for the morning after the night before. Her spending is grotesque. Daddy (sorry uncle) must have had to get rid of large sums of money quick. I bet she has thousands tucked away somewhere? We know she received a large sum for her wedding. Do UNCLES normally give that on a wedding day? I thought that is more a DAD gift 🤪

That top lip is almost identical to Uncle David’s
Have you seen one of his sons too? Even has the woopy eye.
Mar 8, 2024
Thank you for this 👌 I've battled all my life with asd and severe adhd emotional disregulation bipolar disorder not tiktok diagnosis which has fkd it for ppl like me running around trying too get meds every month because everyone wants a label now. Living with with s is hell.shes just a spoilt brat and a show off what she doesn't realise it's all superficial se she needs a mop and a hoover and too modernise that house the tramps arse. Sorry for the rant.
I honestly don’t think she’d know how to clean that hovel after reading jos reply to my post. Spoilt cow will expect everything picked up for her. And the meds shortage is getting beyond a joke now for adhd I know your struggles too well there.


Mar 23, 2024
It’s going to take forever to get through 237 pages! 😂 I have never seen such a greedy lazy self centred slob that’s also a s mother and a huge gas lighting narcissistic t! Sponges of her elderly father ( more than likely ) has no idea what is going on in the world cause she couldn’t give a flying Fcuk as long as she has burgers and c#ck! Buy‘s herself all sorts but buys her kid nothing unless it’s got sugar in! Cant take her kid out alone but travels all over the country alone! Has numerous men around her kid and in her house! Acts all cocky and changes her accent when she has a new bloke! Cry’s into a camera often then 1 hour later try to sell you something! Thats just a few to mention!
Mar 16, 2024
United Kingdom
I'm guilty of abusive behaviour, bullying and harassment for stating verifiable facts about Aimee's Uncle 🤔
The cat flap person who replies on the tik tok seems to know quite a few facts.
Is he a friend of D2 since he has said that the pregnancy was fake and in fact she just had an sti which she passed to D2
Hope he can speak up and come with some receipts from D2


Mar 16, 2024
She has an incredible amount of disposable income for someone that only has a few brand deals nowadays - in the early days of TT suceess she probably was making more. Recently the brand deals have been few and far between. We certainly know she didn't make a fortune selling magic beans/juice plus BS. She proved what a terrible travel agent she was with DLP, so doubt she made a fortune there. Where does the money come from for the designer gear, hauls, food shops, takeaways? It isn't regular spending, it's so OTT. I'm sure someone said on here or on TL said that she hasn't filled taxes in years so one would assume that she's earning under the tax threshold (which wouldn't fit her spending), not declaring her true income (quite possibly) or she's receiving an income from elsewhere (dodgy dad and his dodgy family possibly). It's certainly very suspicious and worthy of some forensic financial accounting 💸💰💸💰💸💰
My guess is daddy refreshes her credit cards each tax year
Spend on the card pay back with his return.
In his name not aimees. Allowing her to earn under the threshold and evade paying any tax whatsoever. She could also claim single persons council tax so her outgoings are truly minimal. She's in no way relatable is she


Mar 23, 2024
@MrsTurner no you didn’t ’just’ say you didn’t believe @woeisme25.

You decided to go further and use derogatory names like ‘fruit loop’ and ‘nut job’.

Are you a narcissist too?

How dare you play down what you caused and how insulting you were.

How dare you use those words to anyone. Using mental health insults is Lower than ANYTHING woe EVER said about H.

So woman up and apologise or piss off.

You loved nicking woes posts on here and posting them on TL at first. In fact you instigated a lot of TL coming over here too.

You are just like Aimee. Another narc that can’t see any wrong doing.

And by the way I didn’t agree with you bragging about dragging on your vape in places you shouldn’t but I didn’t pull you up on it.

Why should other people have to breathe in your toxins?? How selfish are you?

That’s your vice, don’t expose anyone else to your crap. That’s why it’s rightly banned in certain places.


Mar 17, 2024
@MrsTurner no you didn’t ’just’ say you didn’t believe @woeisme25.

You decided to go further and use derogatory names like ‘fruit loop’ and ‘nut job’.

Are you a narcissist too?

How dare you play down what you caused and how insulting you were.

How dare you use those words to anyone. Using mental health insults is Lower than ANYTHING woe EVER said about H.

So woman up and apologise or piss off.

You loved nicking woes posts on here and posting them on TL at first. In fact you instigated a lot of TL coming over here too.

You are just like Aimee. Another narc that can’t see any wrong doing.

And by the way I didn’t agree with you bragging about dragging on your vape in places you shouldn’t but I didn’t pull you up on it.

Why should other people have to breathe in your toxins?? How selfish are you?

That’s your vice, don’t expose anyone else to your crap. That’s why it’s rightly banned in certain places.
👏👏👏well said