Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
You’ve let yourself down there massively! You can’t give valid points can you?

The absolute audacity of you, plenty of posters including myself have replied back at you with valid points but you have no retort so ignore those and then are literally just saying the same thing over and over again. No one on here is going to be gaslighted into what you are accusing us of. The buck starts and ends with her parents, end of. And the fact you cannot see that is an absolute obvious indicator that you are a friend or family of hers. You sound just like her, nothing is her fault it’s always someone else’s. Boring hell fire!


Mar 8, 2024
I think it’s best you stop commenting, you’re not going to get anywhere. No one wants to see H upset or bullied and that’s the whole point but there’s only one person that can ultimately prevent that from ever happening. Lock down socials, stop posting, remove any previous videos/photos. Children do not need to be on SM anyway. The whole SM thing is too toxic for children hence why there is usually an age limit for children to joi
I think it’s best you stop commenting, you’re not going to get anywhere. No one wants to see H upset or bullied and that’s the whole point but there’s only one person that can ultimately prevent that from ever happening. Lock down socials, stop posting, remove any previous videos/photos. Children do not need to be on SM anyway. The whole SM thing is too toxic for children hence why there is usually an age limit for children to join
she has though????
Mar 8, 2024
Okaaaaay… so if someone decides to tell H that her mum smells of cat piss - thst is Aimee’s fault?

If someone tells H that her mum is known for always chasing 🍆 - that’s Aimee’s fault?

If someone calls H Harper Twist - that’s Aimee’s fault?

If someone says to H that Aimee is a thief (in relation to her uncle) that’s Aimee’s fault?

Can you not see where I’m going with this? I’ve not actually said what my opinion of Aimee is. All I’m focussing on is a 9 year old child
Cat piss - Aimee made a video public on tiktok attention seeking, crying down the camera announcing that someone said she looks like she smells of cat piss. If she had let that comment go and ignored it, it would’ve been long forgotten by now like umpteen other comments. She made a holy show of herself. She decides to make a spectacle of herself online so there’s going to be repercussions.

Chasing 🍆 - well she’s had 3 boyfriends in 2.5 years and a hell of a lot of dates inbetween. She was crying her eyes out on tiktok over Mr D one week and LITERALLY introducing Harper to D2 the next!!!! You can’t tell me that’s appropriate behaviour. It gives her a reputation.

Harper Twist - every dish up dinner she says “she can always have more”. It’s like Harper has to go up to Aimee saying “please sir, can I have some more” if she is ever still hungry. It’s nothing personal to Harper.

Aimee being a thief - no one has ever called her a thief so that’s a moot point. But her uncle is. That’s a fact. It’s all over the news. No hiding from that.

That covered everything for you????


Mar 9, 2024
1. Aimee made the TT to her 500K followers saying people were saying she looked like catpiss.

2. Aimee posts on TT and other social media multiple men she has dated and moved in within a matter of weeks/days with no regard how safe these men are around her daughter.

3. Aimee posts multiple pics and TT showing harper with unbrushed hair, unbrushed teeth full of plaque, clothes which are not ironed or do not fit her. She feeds her constant takeaways and whatever food she does make it’s all convenience crap 99% of the time. Not forgetting the bottles of full fat fizzy juice which won’t help when she is not making sure she brushes her teeth. Harper Twist came from AIMEE not providing her child basics needs and her daughter looking like a homeless orphan aka Oliver Twist.

4. Aimee might not have stolen the money however her whole family including her are liars and very money orientated. Hope you have put in a complaint to ITV as well. Aimee defrauds people with her lies daily to make money off the se she sells on TT.

Aimee is the one letting her child down nobody would comment on her daughter if she looked after her properly and put her before social media. Aimee also let Harper post videos on you tube showing their house and harpers room with Harper herself begging for followers to be friends with her which were online for days. Aimee denied Harper having a you tube channel and it was only when someone from Tattle contacted the school they were taken down.

She still hasn’t locked down her pictures of Harper anyone can access and share these images of a child.

Have you seen anyone say anything about Ralph? No because at least her sister looks after her child’s basic needs.

Superb response. She won’t listen though, she’s a gaslighter and loves to just say the same invalid thing over and over.
Mar 7, 2024
I will most likely be blocked/ignored/called a ‘hun’/ all three but here goes……

You all profess to be looking out for the welfare of Harper and criticise Aimee for not safeguarding her. You go on about how Harper will face a hard time in senior school given her mothers antics.

The hypocrisy of you all! You comment on Aimee on a daily basis. Her way of parenting, her lifestyle, her attitude etc etc. that’s your prerogative and I do see how people view Aimee the way they do.

What is unforgivable and downright vile of you all is that you are fuelling the fire. The abhorrent slagging off of Aimee. Talking about her pubic area to put it politely, calling her a drag queen, basically calling her a s etc etc etc. More abhorrent is the references to Harpers appearance. You justify yourself by saying Aimee puts her out there so in your eyes it’s fair game. This is a 9 year old child. What you and that other site write is in the public domain. You are the ones doing the damage to Harper. Can you not see that? Aimee has taken her off TT, not IG for whatever reason but hardly posts many pics of her.

You lot are keeping Harper in the limelight. It will be your cruel nicknames that other kids will use. Not anything Aimee says.

It will be your fault when kids say oh your mums a s/desperate/alkie etc. it won’t be down to Aimee.

I cannot fathom the vitriolic behaviour of anyone who has not been hurt personally by Aimee. You are not interested in safeguarding H. You are just intent on sending Aimee over the edge.

No I don’t know Aimee, no I’m not a hun, but yes I am a person with a heart which breaks a little more every time you write further s for people to store up and to be used against an innocent child.
You are so wrong on so many levels, go back and see my previous lengthy comment! I just wanted to add:

"It will be your fault when kids say oh your mums a s/desperate/alkie etc. it won’t be down to Aimee".

Wow! It won't be down to Aimee that she demonstates online how desperate she is to have a man in her life, any man, no matter how unsuitable! She spends weeks mopping over them until she has the next one in their lives and the cycle starts again! she parades her half naked body online withouth any regard for her daughter or the hard time she may get (it's all good as long as she is receiving attention and sales). Alkie just quickly scroll through her TT! Everything resolves around thinking about, buying or drinking booze! So if she gets called out on it then it's not CC or TL that is the problem!
It is Aimee that puts all this information on a public platform allowing the public ridicule and with her smug attitude and badly considered clap backs invites the public criticism. Is it unfortunate that this sometimes involves H - yes but if Aimee truly cared about her daughters, happiness and wellbeing then she would take steps to mitigate this.
Most people on these forums that comment about H do so out of genuine concern for her safely and wellbeing. Aimee is clearly a spoiled brat, that was never told no or held accountable for her actions! "It won't be down to aimee" - yes it will, it is all down to Aimee and what she puts out there. It's fine to have a difference of opinion about someone - that isn't wrong or trolling. What is wrong is thousands of pages of comments begging Aimee to be a better parent and safeguard her child because they can see the damage it is doing and people like you are part of a very serious problem, you justify her actions 😢


Mar 9, 2024
The deflection is rife today! Just stop with the comments about Harper and the nicknames which people remember easily.
Who are you to come on here and throw your demands out like wendy this isn’t ex hubby wallet your throwing demands to now. It won’t cut with us. You can comment all you want we will still all stand together with what we believe as it’s our opinion


Mar 8, 2024
No. Everyone who keeps that narrative going is responsible. You haven’t a leg to stand on. You are making yourself look worse.
You really are deluded you asked for people to validate our comments. I just answered everyone of your questions with information Aimee has posted and I have seen with my own eyes!

That’s your answer you’re actually pathetic like are you ok?


Mar 8, 2024
Who are you to come on here and throw your demands out like wendy this isn’t ex hubby wallet your throwing demands to now. It won’t cut with us. You can comment all you want we will still all stand together with what we believe as it’s our opinion
I think what I’ve asked is perfectly ok. It’s not a demand. Just stop and think for a minute.