Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
I think the comments have been deleted babe that old girl wrote but the clap princess slipped up with writing gurl on a post that was quickly deleted 🤣🤣
We know catpiss uses that world and it seems like we had good old slut drop Shirley here the other day & last night her pathetic daughter 🤣🤣
Does she say gurrl then? Never noticed!
Edited as typo... it let me whoopee 🤣
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Mar 8, 2024
She is more concerned about someone putting the model of her car incorrectly than the fact that she, yet again, doesn't know the law and is driving with damaged wipers :rolleyes: Is she actually for real ???
The piece of rubber, shaimeee is the most important part !!! It's the rubber that actually removes the water and keeps your windshield clear! It was like 10 cm of it sticking out! the p[plastic parts that move are not that important, it's the damage of the said rubber that is important and against the law to drive with it being damaged !

I will be reporting it together with her videos from the car! proving that she drove it in the rain!

She shouldn't be allowed to drive at all! How can you drive and not know the highway code etc.
Did she get her car checked over after she claimed she was clipped on the motorway.


Mar 8, 2024
Isn’t it false advertising when she removes posts. It’s not a fair and balanced comment section is it?
People just need to consider that first and foremost she is a SALES LADY. Her opinions on these products is biased,
I can’t bring myself to look at her page at the moment. She gives me so much rage when she starts talking down to her audience.
Just remember though, she’s not happy, will never be happy and will ALWAYS have zero fashion sense.


Mar 9, 2024
So her personal case officer in the police is going to look at every comment on her page she doesn't agree with 🤔🤣 honestly at least make the lies a little bit believable Pinocchio 🤥

I doubt there is a case, I mean what crime did woe commit? As it’s not doxing, not a hate crime, not bullying, not harassment, not slander, not defamation of character. It’s just someone having an opinion, using public info and telling the truth. I don’t know why she’s all smug as even if there was a case then Aimee is going to have to prove anything Woe said is untrue, which she can’t do and it will be public record that she’s told lie after lie. I mean has she not realised that 🤣


Mar 9, 2024
Why does she try be scouse when she’s replying to comments? That video replying to the comment is beyond embarrassing. She tries to be funny but she’s actually not very funny at all, plus she is talking to her phone 🤦🏻‍♀️ can’t stand her at all. Can’t even hate watch it lately

She’s always put on the fake scouse accent when being cocky or when getting cock. She ain’t a scouser so god knows why she does it. Irks the life out of me!

And the whole manic behaviour and laughing at herself etc reminds me of a mate of mine from way back who used to take phet but she can’t be taking that as no way her house would be that much of a dirty smelly shole if she was.
Mar 12, 2024
She said she had butter on the table for her JP. Wouldn’t surprise me if D3 has been on the scene a few weeks cos she has been more manic with the Liverpool accent and using words she hasn’t used before.

She maybe is taking him on holiday so she can blame him getting herpes from their hotel bed 🤣 that’s the kind of thing that psycho would do
Surely no sane person would go near that stinking skanky b and her filthy hovel🤢


Mar 7, 2024
That video is hilarious who on earth does she think she is 😂😂😂😂 ill give him a ring shall I oooooh ur hard 🫣🫣 she wants to bin that fake scouse accent off while she's cosying up to the Police they don't like a grass 🤔🤔🤔 imagine wasting precious emergency services time cause someone said hurty things about you 🫠🫠🫠🫠 I bet they're having a right laugh down the station at the pathetic little drip