Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Why a 14/15 year old girl would want to hang around with a 40 year old is beyond me steph should have paid for a friend of lilys to go that’s what I have done in the past
...equally, why would she think her 15 year old wants to hang round with an emotionally stunted 9 year old 🙄 poor lilys gunna have nothing in common with Harper
Mar 10, 2024
You have to be a proper narc to stay on the Internet sharing your life when you get the s you do everyday. As a mother regardless if it was my main source of income, which for her it's not, if my kids where getting a fraction of the things said about them like harper does, I would be off the Internet and never return. I would be beyond heartbroken I had subjected them to that. Aimless just doesn't care, I can't really get my head around her need for praise and acceptance off strangers, at the risk of her daughter being severely bullied and have such horrible things said.

I'm not a parent myself but even i can't get my head around how she parents either. I can even see that her behaviour is causing problems for her child. So i can imagine for those of you who are parents she is really triggering and a head scratcher. She definitely must know that what she is doing is having an effect and is going to effect h but just doesn't care, people are pointing things out to her left right and centre and she just ignores. It's not a few people it's lots so she definitely has to know and she won't do things like either lock down her non-tiktok social media or just remove whatever she has on those pages in relation to the child, and that as a start. Her tiktok "career" comes before everything and it's absolute madness.


Mar 23, 2024
I'm not a parent myself but even i can't get my head around how she parents either. I can even see that her behaviour is causing problems for her child. So i can imagine for those of you who are parents she is really triggering and a head scratcher. She definitely must know that what she is doing is having an effect and is going to effect h but just doesn't care, people are pointing things out to her left right and centre and she just ignores. It's not a few people it's lots so she definitely has to know and she won't do things like either lock down her non-tiktok social media or just remove whatever she has on those pages in relation to the child, and that as a start. Her tiktok "career" comes before everything and it's absolute madness.
This and more! 100% narcissist! and the fact She shows up every day looking like a scruffy smelly slob and isn’t phased by it blows my mind! Its the toothless fan club as totally gone to her head!
Mar 8, 2024
I can’t even bring myself to watch sausage fest & why can’t she see what thousands of people see.
I do think she needs to stay in rehab for a least 4 weeks even to stop her being an alcoholic. She honestly opens up a bottle off alcohol daily as soon as she has got H from school (earlier if she doesn’t pick her up).
Her mother is an enabler & just as bad with being an alcoholic so she isn’t going to stop her daughter.
Trigger warning S/H
As a mother you notice when your kids are feeling low & I went through the worst 2 years of my life from 2020 almost losing my youngest son. He stupidly met someone online who was exactly like Catpiss a severe narcissist.
I did everything in my power to get my son all the help he needed with mental health services & yes my medical background helped because I spent days on the phone crying that my son found a sharp implement & carved EVIL into himself. He then took a whole weeks worth of his meds and if I hadn’t got him to hospital when I did it would have been a different story.
This girl also lied and tried to say my son R her when he was actually a patient in hospital (she lived 4hrs away thank god or I’d of been up for a serious charge)
It cost me a lot of money to go down the legal route & even family took equity out of their house to get the best barrister & took over a year to get her a conviction for defamation of character with her lies.
I suppose my point is that most parents will do anything to protect their children no matter what age they are & spot the signs when they need to get them help.
Shirley do fin better for your narcissistic eldest child & take your rose tinted glasses off 🤬🤬
She needs help as she is not normal at all & never has been. She’s a raging alcoholic & her hunger for dick oozes out of her & as much as she says she doesn’t need or want a man, she does.
Her attention should be her daughter & it’s about time you & daddy Greg ? told her the truth and get her help. Let’s face it she can be seen privately as money is no object
Sorry for rant 🙈
I can't imagine how that must of been for you seeing him go through that 😞♥️ Glad your son came through it ♥️
And when people say catpiss is dangerous that's exactly what they mean, the effects her lies can have on people 😡

Mar 8, 2024
@noseyneighbour im so sorry you also went through this babe. It’s hard trying to stay strong in front of them & the secret tears nobody ever sees 😢❤️
As you said it’s natural instinct to most parents & you would fight with your last breath to protect them.
Please don’t think I’m being offensive to anyone as I also include my pet as my baby/child too. It can be anyone or anything that you would protect with your life.
Love right back to you noseyneighbour ❤️from whoever I am 🤔🤭🤣
Umm not offensive at all...not to me anyway!!🤣 I love my furbabies as much as my kids. I would and have done anything for them. They are my world ❤️ Not everyone gets it though. I have more animal pictures on my phone than my kids and proudly show them off! They are all rescues...some by myself. (Umm all 7 of them 🫣 - it's hard work but my house is clean and hate need apply lol)
🐕 x1 🐈‍⬛️ x6 ❤️❤️❤️
So I really can't relate to that selfish brat Aimee. Who got most for fent anyway!
Personally..I have found animal lovers connect and also are usually of good character. 🥰
Mar 10, 2024
I’ve just caught up with her man handling that sausage, she has no manners no morals and no self awareness. Her poor daughter will be rinsed no end in school. Hi Harper is your mum Waynetta Slob? - if I was Aimee’s mum I would be ending this journey now, it’s just all wrong. TikTok has ruined someone clearly messed up but now there is no hope.
Mar 10, 2024
This and more! 100% narcissist! and the fact She shows up every day looking like a scruffy smelly slob and isn’t phased by it blows my mind! Its the toothless fan club as totally gone to her head!

Nothing phases or embarrasses her. She is just so slippery it's unbelievable. All the things she has done and she just riggles out of it and comes back up again like nothing happened. Her fans enabl her but yet she doesn't even engage with a lot of them. People post actual nice comments to her and post that they are going through stuff and she just ignores them. Even people who post nice comments she blocks them.