Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Guess we will have to agree to disagree.
She’s a t, narcissistic etc people with learning disabilities are anything but that, they are some of the nicest people I have ever met 🥰
I have gone back and decided this probably needs a **Trigger warning** ⚠️

I think she is all what you say and more There surely is some developmental lapse or something though..? Shes very immature and childlike and has serious issues with her emotional regulation and reactions. I think there are some deep rooted issues with her..probably from the past that have led her to be the way she is. (Not excusing any of her s..)
Aside from that she is a classic case of NPD, she's spoilt, self orientated, immature, selfish, unable to love anyone but herself. Never seen any genuine emotion from her apart from her own woes...more attention seeking, seeking validation she didn't get from someone/people. a lot of you have 'a past' of varying sorts. Most of us have sought help and support. We have gained emotional intelligence/reflected in order for us to gain insight and function day to day.
A lot of us overthink and care too much if anything. We don't want to intentionally hurt other people as feel like we may have done by others. It's shapes you into a better person. I always say..I'm my biggest critic. (well..after my daughter lol)
I know I'm a good person. I want to care and support others with whatever that may be need. A worrier...stressed...anxious mess also..for sure!
Mainly due to her NPD, like others alike, see no fault in themselves and people enable this for fear of outbursts at being called out or told home truths. Or over compensating out of guilt.
"It's always someone else's fault"
Deflection, arrogance, self orientation, gaslighting, superiority, bullying, only looking out for their own needs to be met and so much more.
Most of us can spot these traits a mile off...mainly because we have unfortunately been in contact with them.
Personally, I do a lot of further reading as I need to understand things. Doesn't mean I can sort the s show of my life sometimes unfortunately lol. I also make mistakes...on here included. Never with malice though. I think some of us on here are very similar, have certain pasts/experiences and are here from sheer frustration and infuriation over A and the implications of what she does and doesn't do. Some looking in would think we are a bunch of bitches. I think its an easy assumption to make but far from the truth mostly.

Sorry for long message. Typing essays for like therapy. You don't have to read/agree if you don't want to ❤️
Mar 8, 2024
I promise everyone I am not psychoanalysing anyone here. I can only do that via watching someone thank god. Whilst doing that degree we seriously had a day trip out to Ashworth Hospital 😳😳😳
We walked round all the communal areas inside that place and I’ve never been so scared in my life. Some pretty horrific psychopaths in that place & they are allowed mental cutlery & utensils if you know what I mean.
Well done to you too babe with law 🥰👏 & being a nurse ❤️❤️
We both went into the nhs too & I absolutely love true crime anything. Have you watched the 20/20 Ruby Franke new documentary on YouTube with real footage 😳
I was joking about the psychological analysis lol 😆 ❤️

No...? Is it good then?

Have you watched The Staircase? and also the case of the little girl who was found in her family. Name escapes me 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ argh! Interesting case and I have my personal view on what happened. There was a documentary on it with an old forensics guy..

Edited to say.. JonBenet Ramsay was the girl. x
Mar 8, 2024
Aimee doesn't adult well needs to be in a TL thread title soon!
Most normal people consider the implications of their actions before they do something! Not old marble brain! I've smashed these wardrobes apart because it felt good. Now I don't know what to do with the mess I've created! I'm gonna call my frail old dad and demand he helps! The poor man is probably on the golf course enjoying the peace and sunshine or spending time with his wife and her family. It's all a ploy, daddy I did try to do it all by myself, you need to pay someone to decorate and buy and build new furniture for H and clean up the mess I've made!
Anyone would think you've heard her s before to know this is what she's doing...oh wait..........🤣
Mar 8, 2024
That comment will have her raging. As far as she's concerned she is far superior to Charlie. I've said before I'm not a fan of dull Charlie and some of the things she says in front of R. However she has a clean tidy house, works full time and still manages to shop and cook nutritious meals. He's also a little sweetheart with lovely manners and they clearly have a loving respectfil relationship. She's been ill but she's just got on with it and still managed to parent her child without any gcse drama dramatics - she's got up an manage to sort herself out and care for her child. Which she would have to do as wendy can't be arsed to go visit and help poor daughter number 2. If you ain't got a trust fund then wendy won't travel!
"Wendy I can't wait for this weekend Aimee and H are coming...... long pause, tumble weed and R Charlie and R".
I agree completely!
Mar 8, 2024
Hey everyone not been on for a while does anyone fancy giving me a recap of what's going on in the world of shameless.

@loyal&real it went well, recovery is taking its toll on my mental health though I've been struggling the last week so I've been ignoring tiktok completely 😂
Hopefully someone will. I have brain fog so not an ideal candidate! 🤦‍♀️
What I can remember is that A&H are going away to Spain next week with S,L and M.
There's talk of her having had Herpes and given it to D3.
She currently trashing H's room...decorating apparently.
Oh and she posted a video giving a sausage a BJ!


Mar 7, 2024
Yeah it’s all so strange , you only need to push it to the middle of the room I’m guessing it’s just a small kids wardrobe , also why did she need a hammer 🤦‍♀️unless she smashed it up
Yeah she probably smashed it up after texting D2 with some lame excuse to contact him and then him telling her to do off, remember the Halloween tree tantrum? Say no more lol 😂
Mar 9, 2024
Now when she says she never uses filters, what she means is she never uses filters that are available on TT. She does however have a filter constantly running on her phone. You can clearly see the smoothing filter in this pic IMG_4525.jpeg
See her miracle eye cream has been working wonders! How any adult can be so utterly useless and think its funny is beyond me. What an oxygen thief she is.


Mar 7, 2024
How can someone who cuddles a support Bear at almost 40years old, tell others to “go out and touch some grass”

It came up on my Feed but I stopped myself watching as she took her first noisy sip.

How does she have the audacity to talk like that when she bangs on about her depression and anxiety, says she has a mental health nurse and takes meds. THEN publicly gorges on fast food every day, drinks copious amounts of alcohol, never does any exercise and walks about like an absolute bag lady. If anyone needs to put down their phone and get out into the fresh air it’s her.

Any pity I felt just evaporated. She really could do with living in an annex of a house with her mother or a supported living development where she has a fully functioning adult to oversee her daily.

An advocate for mental wellbeing would not post videos of themselves self medicating with that amount of alcohol.
Anxiety it worsened by alcohol as it’s a depressant.

I can only imagine she has a learning disability that makes her as contradictory as this. I’m glad social services are aware of her.
She has a disability, its called bullshitability 🤪 🤪 🤪


Mar 7, 2024
Didn't she say it was to keep it private for Harper?
She did yeah, but let's face it she changes the narrative daily to suit her likes, views and mood, and whilst I appreciate it being kept private when all Harpers personal things are in there, I think it's a bit different showing an emptied out room, unless once empty its filthy which I imagine it would be, pissy stained carpet, filthy skirting boards and window sill 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
I was joking about the psychological analysis lol 😆 ❤️

No...? Is it good then?

Have you watched The Staircase? and also the case of the little girl who was found in her family. Name escapes me 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ argh! Interesting case and I have my personal view on what happened. There was a documentary on it with an old forensics guy..

Edited to say.. JonBenet Ramsay was the girl. x
I have been following that story since she passed away. Poor little girl