Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 7, 2024
So this selfish self centered horrible cow wants her 70yr old dad to help her carry heavy doors down the stairs.... which means she wants him to carry them down for her.... I just can't!!!! 😡😡😡😡
Like @RainbowBright said further back, her dad will be spending Easter with his missus and Aimee won't be getting the attention she so truly deserves so of course she's gona ring him in her needy voice for help to carry the doors downstairs, she's pathetic and a prick! :mad: :mad:


Mar 8, 2024
I have gone back and decided this probably needs a **Trigger warning** ⚠️

I think she is all what you say and more There surely is some developmental lapse or something though..? Shes very immature and childlike and has serious issues with her emotional regulation and reactions. I think there are some deep rooted issues with her..probably from the past that have led her to be the way she is. (Not excusing any of her s..)
Aside from that she is a classic case of NPD, she's spoilt, self orientated, immature, selfish, unable to love anyone but herself. Never seen any genuine emotion from her apart from her own woes...more attention seeking, seeking validation she didn't get from someone/people. a lot of you have 'a past' of varying sorts. Most of us have sought help and support. We have gained emotional intelligence/reflected in order for us to gain insight and function day to day.
A lot of us overthink and care too much if anything. We don't want to intentionally hurt other people as feel like we may have done by others. It's shapes you into a better person. I always say..I'm my biggest critic. (well..after my daughter lol)
I know I'm a good person. I want to care and support others with whatever that may be need. A worrier...stressed...anxious mess also..for sure!
Mainly due to her NPD, like others alike, see no fault in themselves and people enable this for fear of outbursts at being called out or told home truths. Or over compensating out of guilt.
"It's always someone else's fault"
Deflection, arrogance, self orientation, gaslighting, superiority, bullying, only looking out for their own needs to be met and so much more.
Most of us can spot these traits a mile off...mainly because we have unfortunately been in contact with them.
Personally, I do a lot of further reading as I need to understand things. Doesn't mean I can sort the s show of my life sometimes unfortunately lol. I also make mistakes...on here included. Never with malice though. I think some of us on here are very similar, have certain pasts/experiences and are here from sheer frustration and infuriation over A and the implications of what she does and doesn't do. Some looking in would think we are a bunch of bitches. I think its an easy assumption to make but far from the truth mostly.

Sorry for long message. Typing essays for like therapy. You don't have to read/agree if you don't want to ❤️
Non of us know what her issues are but we are all looking for reasons to explain her behaviour. It’s just so bizarre isn’t it?
There is something that’s not right, I only mentioned learning disability because that would explain all of her strange daily behaviour and the outbursts of anger in her posts where she refers to anyone who disagrees as a troll.
I’ve worked with people with varying degrees of it, some cope incredibly well with minimum input whilst others need constant supervision. She is good at masking her issues when she wants to, I doubt she would be honest with her GP, if they looked at her behaviour on TT they would absolutely tell her to stop the poor diet, exercise and cut out alcohol so she could at least allow the meds to work properly.
She shows signs of all sorts of personality disorders but at the heart of them all could just be that she hasn’t got the mental capacity to function as an adult.
We all see her dig her heels in when she’s questioned and she refuses to remove photos of her child from other social media. Even when she’s told about the dangers. It’s all very strange behaviour.
Maybe her mum always stepping in is to support her rather than enable her.
Who knows, whatever it is she needs to have a break from TT.
In another job she would have some time off sick to deal with the stress, yet she refuses to. Non of her actions make any sense to me.
It’s all getting a bit like the Victorian Circus where we watch her just to entertain ourselves. I feel bad about that but it’s so fascinating 🧐
Mar 8, 2024
Now when she says she never uses filters, what she means is she never uses filters that are available on TT. She does however have a filter constantly running on her phone. You can clearly see the smoothing filter in this pic IMG_4525.jpeg
She looks deranged. Why does she think this is funny to start filming with her hair like this 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ just shows she’s an attention seeking scruff. It’s really not funny. Fix ya hair then start filming
Mar 17, 2024
She is such a fing wastrel t!!! Why get the piñatas? Oh yeah for the comments she wants saying oh do you do these for easter we only do eggs.. yeah no1 does apart from this waste of space. Nobody buys their adult Sister and mum £33 makeup sponges either!! Can't wait to see rrrrcharlies face tomorrow when she's yet again looking like the pauper sister. Who infact is just a normal girl not throwing 100s of pounds away on absolute s for a change!!

Anyone notice the difference between Charlie going through her wknd plans.. sun.. erm think I've got family time
Aimless... yeah easter sun I think I'm organised. I think I've got everything I need. There's just one thing I'm waiting to be delivered 😌... get fed you t!!
Rant over 😂😂 Sorry!!!


Mar 7, 2024
Bets she regrets encouraging her mum and sister to join TT as an way to supplement their incomes 😂
They're all jealous of each other the 3 of them, like it's a competition. None of them comment on each others posts, ever! You just know Aimee fumes when Charlie and scissor hands Shirl post a video. I can't watch the mothers vids, that high pitched voice Hi Huns Hi peeps! And the pissed up glazed over eyeballs, Prick! :oops: :oops: I don't mind Charlie, she works for a living (proper job) she's spotlessly clean, her house is clean, she cooks from scratch and Ralph is a delight however the constant arse in the screen, hair flicking and lip licking do my swede in! 🥴🥴
Mar 17, 2024
I must apologise for my few days absence. I can't deal with this t in large doses. But my last post was the sausage screen shot which I've just caught up made a few of you violently ill so sorry 😞😂
Also who wakes up scrags their already terrible hair around to make themselves look even worse before hitting record? Aimee!! 100% you did not "wake up like this" hun. It's like it's her little thing that she thinks is cute let's make myself look as homeless, clueless and stupid as possible 😫😵‍💫 do off!!
Mar 8, 2024
I must apologise for my few days absence. I can't deal with this t in large doses. But my last post was the sausage screen shot which I've just caught up made a few of you violently ill so sorry 😞😂
Also who wakes up scrags their already terrible hair around to make themselves look even worse before hitting record? Aimee!! 100% you did not "wake up like this" hun. It's like it's her little thing that she thinks is cute let's make myself look as homeless, clueless and stupid as possible 😫😵‍💫 do off!!
Welcome back 🤣