Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Does not mean she has herpes or ever has. Has it crossed your mind that maybe she is playing with you? Drawing you in and adding it to her reports of online harassment?
Perhaps the police would also be interested in her playing games and drawing people in as u say. Dropping her/yourself in it.
She should be more concerned about her bloody daughter. Facts!


Feb 28, 2024
I’d like the nastiness to stop. I don’t like Aimee. I don’t like her at all. I am a single mum to 2 boys. They’re both in the same school yea - just 11 months apart. They’re doing their GCSEs in the summer. Their ‘father’ is in prison. Such a crime he will die in there. The small town I’m from made my life hell. It was as though I was the criminal. I moved as far away as I could, changed our names and started from scratch. I have no family around, very few close friends as I don’t trust easily, and I have bipolar. But…. I have two wonderful, happy healthy boys. My own home and a fantastic career. Why am I telling you this? Well if I had stayed in my home town my sons would have been mercilessly bullied and vilified. It’s not their fault their ‘father’ is who who is. It’s not mine either! I certainly wouldn’t have got involved if I could have seen a few years into the future. So I see Aimee as someone who is setting her kid up for a tough ride. I see her as not being maternal in the slightest. I see her as a con artist selling se. I see her as a lonely, troubled and unhappy individual. But….. I don’t think some of the comments made are acceptable. She’s not harming any of you. And it’s not Harpers fault. And I apologise because you are not the angry head. I’ve got mixed up. So hands up on that one.

So you don’t like her label her a con artist but we are mean for her alluding to the fact she may have herpes? Great logic 😂
You’ve been explained to countless of times. You’ve been spoken to in depth countless times, but it seems only your opinion counts.

If you don’t like us, don’t like what we are saying don’t look at here or Tattle nobody is forcing you to, I never troll Aimee, I comment here and I sure as hell wouldn’t make an account if I didn’t agree with what was being said 🤦🏼‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
I’d like the nastiness to stop. I don’t like Aimee. I don’t like her at all. I am a single mum to 2 boys. They’re both in the same school yea - just 11 months apart. They’re doing their GCSEs in the summer. Their ‘father’ is in prison. Such a crime he will die in there. The small town I’m from made my life hell. It was as though I was the criminal. I moved as far away as I could, changed our names and started from scratch. I have no family around, very few close friends as I don’t trust easily, and I have bipolar. But…. I have two wonderful, happy healthy boys. My own home and a fantastic career. Why am I telling you this? Well if I had stayed in my home town my sons would have been mercilessly bullied and vilified. It’s not their fault their ‘father’ is who who is. It’s not mine either! I certainly wouldn’t have got involved if I could have seen a few years into the future. So I see Aimee as someone who is setting her kid up for a tough ride. I see her as not being maternal in the slightest. I see her as a con artist selling se. I see her as a lonely, troubled and unhappy individual. But….. I don’t think some of the comments made are acceptable. She’s not harming any of you. And it’s not Harpers fault. And I apologise because you are not the angry head. I’ve got mixed up. So hands up on that one.
Well if that's true...I'm sorry to hear that but you have not come on saying the above have you? You came for me directly.. thinking u were threatening my career and mocking me.
Which comments do you personally take exception to?
We usually politely comment where we feel things are not politically correct or fair.
Lots and lots of ppl have written why the concern for H. If you are genuine..why are u not going for the person to blame? Its not these forums that will incite bullying of's her mother's antics online. Thus has been explained time and time again.
Of course i was defending myself when u came for me. If you are trying to make a point and send your important message...u are not going about it the right way imo. To pop on and act the way u hv will not get u respect back or be heard.
I'm calm now. I'm done talking about it. I haven't threatened u or your career...would be ridiculous and silly....
Mar 7, 2024
Yes it’s like a honey trap. But just me summising. Read my previous reply to you
The police won't see it as a honey trap. They will just tell her to grow the do up and stop posting on social media. Any Damage to aimees reputation is aimees fault. There is no one else to blame for that. You see lots of negatively towards Aimee but people on here and on TL are seriously concerned for H due to consequences of aimees actions. Occasionally the stubborn know it all actually takes note of what is being said on TL and possibly here and that benefits H. So will we stop calling out her actions and terrible parenting - absolutely not.
Mar 8, 2024
Yes it’s like a honey trap. But just me summising. Read my previous reply to you
I hv just replied... I've replied respectfully...would hope you could follow suit.
It's not your place to defend Aimee or H. It's not going to get u the recognition or validation you need. You originally came on as an advocate of H. When i mentioned that u didn't know what I was talking about so lose credibility 🤷‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
I did apologise that I got you mixed up. So sorry again. It doesn’t matter how I try to get the message across. It’s not going to be welcome! Silly me for thinking it would.
Apology accepted. It would not be nice to hear by anyone though.
That is not true. You see difference of opinion on here all the time. To cone on and start talking about "my pin and nmc"
Is not getting the message across. I cud be a teacher or a vet for all u know! 🤦‍♀️
I may rant on here but I am not a bad person. You don't know me or my values anymore than I do u. A however puts it out there to all and sundry...there is the concern!


Feb 28, 2024
Yes it is out of order to suggest she has a STI. You’re allowed your opinions but it doesn’t mean I have to agree. It may not be trolling her SM but it’s out there all the same. It’s no different than commenting on her page bar the fact she will block you. I made an account because I thought if I could prick even one persons conscience that would be something. She makes herself look bad enough. I don’t think people should lower themselves to say done of the things I have read.
She’s doing the sti thing on her own, nobody pulled it out of thin air!
Mar 10, 2024
Thank you for putting me first like no other

HAHAHAHHAHAHA that is comical!
Oh she well puts you first when she won’t even delete photos of you of her social media because “ITS ME JOB”
and when she’s pouring endless alcohol down her neck with “GiGi”

And then Aimee is acting all emotional in the comments “I can’t cope 😭😭😭😭
Mate, I’m shocked you can even breathe on your own cause that’s about the only thing you can manage on your own!

Aimee only ever puts herself first, all of the time, every time. She wouldn't know how to put anyone else first, she wouldn't even know the meaning of putting others first. It's just amazing how she comes out with stuff that everyone knows is BS and yet she is still able to come back up again like nothing has happened.
Mar 8, 2024
Because I don’t want a child bullied. That’s all. Nothing else. My sons were too young to remember and thankfully nobody here knows our story.
But the bullies are more than likely going to obtain stuff from SM like FB, TT and IG not forums with oldies like us. There is the problem unfortunately.
No one wants anyone to be bullied ideally.
Ironic that u came on and tried to bully me tho? 🤷‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
Sorry, names - Catpiss, Harold, Harper Twist the constant 🍆🍆🍆 the comments about her paternity. I guess it’s just a me thing. I don’t get it at all.
Well I have probably used lots of words but none of those I have personally used. I think the problem stems from her mum i really do and what she puts out there. I hv just said on another reply..the bullies will be saving s from TT more than likely. It's more 'entertaining' than a forum imo.


Mar 8, 2024
Wendy is making beef! 😂😂 I’m waiting to see if she fails or can show her daughter how to cook it correctly!
I’m praying it’s the colour of aimeh’s walls so they can all have a chuckle about the Beef that looked like pork last time. Wend can say “look Beef is often this colour, it’s completely normal for it to look like pork”


Mar 9, 2024
Yeah Wendy didn't even mention anything about her being poorly, like my Charlie's not been well hopefully she can still make it! Can you imagine if it was the other cnut of a daughter, she would be "my poor baby Aimee, bless her she is so poorly"
....oh and A did say she thinks she has a cold in her cocktail video! Can't have Charlie outdoing her 🙄
It made me feel super sad for her Obviously she may have but R Charlie didn’t even say she’d rung and offered or anything Shocking


Feb 28, 2024
Yes it is out of order to suggest she has a STI. You’re allowed your opinions but it doesn’t mean I have to agree. It may not be trolling her SM but it’s out there all the same. It’s no different than commenting on her page bar the fact she will block you. I made an account because I thought if I could prick even one persons conscience that would be something. She makes herself look bad enough. I don’t think people should lower themselves to say done of the things I have read.

I’m not the one who suggests she has one SHE DOES with her own posts!!
Sooner you realise that the better, I’m on a site where I air my opinion. I don’t force you or Aimee to visit here or tattle.