Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Totally agree with you! 👌 and thank you. ❤️
It probably didn't help I continued conversing with her but sometimes can't help myself and my mouth gets me into trouble! 🤪

Oh and I wish u wud stop thinking and saying everyone is obsessed. So egotis tical! Obsessed with safeguarding kids actually Aimee. Things just get worse and that's where everyone's frustration and annoyance come from....
Me and my mouth have the exact same problem 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ she is so egotistical with this obsession thing. It’s pathetic how she’s trying to use this word now to say people are obsessed with her when they’re just not.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I actually saw a TT of a GP recommending Testosterone for some peri-menopausal woman. Made sense tbh.
I saw that too and testosterone is a massive thing with menopause. You can’t get it on nhs and have to pay private for it. I tried HRT patches, gel and the patches wouldn’t adhere to my skin and i forgot to use the gel daily 🙈🙈
I’ve not used anything now for 6 months so hoping I’ve got through the worst as i have Botox for the sweats.
You also seem my kinda person too babe ❤❤️❤️xxxx
Last edited:


Mar 8, 2024
Hope TL don't mind taking this from there. Credit: BarryHeavens

Just wow! 🤬

May be unpopular opinion but I think she looks so much unfiltered.
Of course there are some kind of filters Aimee 🤦‍♀️🙄🙄🙄🙄
It’s not like she just tweaks a few imperfections with her “I don’t use filters” crap she’s a completely different person it never fails to amaze me her hunz don’t see through her and will die on a hill for her ….strange behaviour .


Mar 9, 2024
Wendy needs a word with herself. I just watched Charlie's dud video and the contrast is so bad. The way she speaks to Charlie is so different, with aimee it's exaggerated and excitable and probs a bit fake and she bes over animated then with Charlie the interactions so different, no smiling, tone of voice so different, no babying her. It's disgusting!

Yeah the word she needs with herself is to talk to Aimee the same way as Charlie as it’s excruciating the way she is all OTT with Aimee and as you say babying her. Who at 39 wants their mum talking to them like that. It’s almost like arse licking. No wonder the woman is like she is.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Good morning everyone 🥰
Happy Easter for yesterday and hope you all had a lovely day ❤️
Caught up again now but just wanted to say Catpiss is the type of parent to be so ashamed of their child has any developmental needs. H definitely shows signs of autism & she needs to realise that it’s nothing to be shameful off. It shows how much of a shallow, narcissistic b she is and always has been.
All children are different & a child with additional needs to me is extra special because as a parent you fight for them to get the help they need. Most inventors like Einstein showed they had autism and i suppose my point is a child with certain needs are so much cleverer in other areas like what they are obsessed with, photographic memory, excel in sports etc
Please nobody take offence to my comment as that is definitely not my intention.
I feel blessed to have two children with additional needs & I’m just making a point that Catpiss has ALWAYS been a shallow Cnut

Actually watching one of my favourite chikdhood films the OG ‘wizard of Oz’ on channel 5 having cuddles with my puppy 🥰
Also love OG Mary Poppins & Annie


Mar 8, 2024
I actually saw a TT of a GP recommending Testosterone for some peri-menopausal woman. Made sense tbh.
I tried hrt they gave me patches and a pill it made me so ill , I was gutted I was really hoping it was the answer to all my peri menopausal problems ,however they put me on ventaflaxine and omg it’s been incredible for me really has been a game changer


Mar 8, 2024
@itsmejo I also had a hysterectomy at 34 due to my endometriosis. I'm on the gel and like you I forget it most days. Only remember when my hot flushes are bothering me. I started taking ashwagandda about two weeks ago. I'd just be glad to have a decent nights sleep. When Aimless moans about things I'd love for her to have experienced what I have with my endo for 20 years!! Five operations and a permanent stoma because of this disease she has it easy. I was also never able to have children so it angers me how she is with H and the whole pregnancy thing. She used to make me angry when she moaned about her periods!! She won't cope with the menopause!!


Mar 9, 2024
Good morning everyone 🥰
Happy Easter for yesterday and hope you all had a lovely day ❤️
Caught up again now but just wanted to say Catpiss is the type of parent to be so ashamed of their child has any developmental needs. H definitely shows signs of autism & she needs to realise that it’s nothing to be shameful off. It shows how much of a shallow, narcissistic b she is and always has been.
All children are different & a child with additional needs to me is extra special because as a parent you fight for them to get the help they need. Most inventors like Einstein showed they had autism and i suppose my point is a child with certain needs are so much cleverer in other areas like what they are obsessed with, photographic memory, excel in sports etc
Please nobody take offence to my comment as that is definitely not my intention.
I feel blessed to have two children with additional needs & I’m just making a point that Catpiss has ALWAYS been a shallow Cnut

Actually watching one of my favourite chikdhood films the OG ‘wizard of Oz’ on channel 5 having cuddles with my puppy 🥰
Also love OG Mary Poppins & Annie
This is spot on I personally have a little girl with autism who is fully non verbal and as hard work as it is fighting for everything she needs and schools ehcp etc it’s so rewarding. She is definitely doing harper more harm than good by not having her assessed she stims a lot and it is very noticeable on videos h used to be on. They would rather moddy coddle her girls mask a lot more than boys. I always say to other mums I believe if my little girl wasn’t fully non verbal I would of had a lot bigger fight in my hand. I’m struggling at the min to find her a school that can cope with her needs. Aimee doesn’t realise how lucky she is to have a verbal child if I was aimee I would seriously consider having h assessed for h sake nobody else but as you say aimee is embarrassed by it and I have no words for that tbh it’s utterly shocking
Mar 8, 2024
Good morning everyone 🥰
Happy Easter for yesterday and hope you all had a lovely day ❤️
Caught up again now but just wanted to say Catpiss is the type of parent to be so ashamed of their child has any developmental needs. H definitely shows signs of autism & she needs to realise that it’s nothing to be shameful off. It shows how much of a shallow, narcissistic b she is and always has been.
All children are different & a child with additional needs to me is extra special because as a parent you fight for them to get the help they need. Most inventors like Einstein showed they had autism and i suppose my point is a child with certain needs are so much cleverer in other areas like what they are obsessed with, photographic memory, excel in sports etc
Please nobody take offence to my comment as that is definitely not my intention.
I feel blessed to have two children with additional needs & I’m just making a point that Catpiss has ALWAYS been a shallow Cnut

Actually watching one of my favourite chikdhood films the OG ‘wizard of Oz’ on channel 5 having cuddles with my puppy 🥰
Also love OG Mary Poppins & Annie
My son’s autistic and he excels in a lot of things. He’s had predicted grades for GCSEs and we’ve been told he’s on course for 9s (that’s old school A*) in 3 of his subjects & all the others will be at least 6/7s. He’s got 2 years left at school, he’s excelling above his peers in a lot of ways & he does struggle but he’s got the right support network. There’s no need to be embarrassed or to ignore it because that achieves nothing.

Aimless won’t admit anything or chase a diagnosis because it simply means she has to actually do something for her child above the minimum effort she bothers with right now. Can’t have old alky slaggy crabby knickers put her kid first for once can we?


Mar 8, 2024
100%. I thought the exact same. Completely different. How can Charlie not see that? Or maybe she does and just lets it go. Even Stevie Wonder can see Charlie is treated differently.

Wendy needs a word with herself. I just watched Charlie's dud video and the contrast is so bad. The way she speaks to Charlie is so different, with aimee it's exaggerated and excitable and probs a bit fake and she bes over animated then with Charlie the interactions so different, no smiling, tone of voice so different, no babying her. It's disgusting!
Just watched and was shocked at the difference of Wendy! Mask definitely slipped in that video. Charlie just seems desperate to be liked by her 😕 Toxic vibes.


Mar 8, 2024
I'm on HRT Gel and oral capsules. I've been on them for about 5 or 6 years. My mum was 39 when hers started so wasn't surprised.
I'm gonna ask for my FSH and LH to be checked to see what activity remains. I'm 2 years off the big 50! 👵 😂
Yes ask for a detailed blood test on all fertility hormones. Are you able to exercise? Have a look at some yoga for weight loss as you can do it at home or if you’re feeling up to it have a look at the couch to 5K app. That is the only thing that got me motivated and it’s very simple. I promise it will really help you 🙏🏼


Mar 8, 2024
Good morning everyone 🥰
Happy Easter for yesterday and hope you all had a lovely day ❤️
Caught up again now but just wanted to say Catpiss is the type of parent to be so ashamed of their child has any developmental needs. H definitely shows signs of autism & she needs to realise that it’s nothing to be shameful off. It shows how much of a shallow, narcissistic b she is and always has been.
All children are different & a child with additional needs to me is extra special because as a parent you fight for them to get the help they need. Most inventors like Einstein showed they had autism and i suppose my point is a child with certain needs are so much cleverer in other areas like what they are obsessed with, photographic memory, excel in sports etc
Please nobody take offence to my comment as that is definitely not my intention.
I feel blessed to have two children with additional needs & I’m just making a point that Catpiss has ALWAYS been a shallow Cnut

Actually watching one of my favourite chikdhood films the OG ‘wizard of Oz’ on channel 5 having cuddles with my puppy 🥰
Also love OG Mary Poppins & Annie
My granddaughter is autistic and how anyone can be ashamed is beyond me my daughter has done everything to help her mature into the polite well rounded 16 year old she is now
Took her years to get the diagnosis as girls mask really well
Shes about to do his exams and has a scribe in place to write down her answers as her writing isn’t to clear, she’s in the top sets for maths and science and is expected to do really well ….my point is how shameless can blatantly leave h to flounder and infantilise her is beyond me .
Shameless has zero excuse she’s only got the 1 child so could if she wanted (which she doesn’t) put the work I. So h could be the best version of herself .
The poor girl is stimming uncontrollably on the videos you see her in etc it boils my blood so much that a child won’t stand a chance in high school and will be bullied because her “mother “ chooses to put everything online.
As a grandmother to 10 soon to be 11 grandkids I wouldn’t stand by missing the see if a daughter who should never have had kids to keep the bloody peace …:in other words Wendy step up and DO BETTER for your granddaughter before its way to late 😡
Anyway taking of grandkids mine are due up here soon so mum can have a rest and some pamper time to herself before the new one arrives have a great bank holiday everyone whatever your doing ❤️❤️❤️