Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 9, 2024
It’s quite refreshing to see a woman just scoff what she wants and not care.
She is however eating 1000’s of calories each day, not to mention the alcohol consumption. She will be getting fatter and fatter and have a high risk of disease.
I’m not sure she should be showing all this gorge with me content. It’s showing it’s ok to eat crap every day, do no exercise and drink as much as you like.
It’s very strange behaviour, I have to say though I really do not care how fat or unwell she gets. She is doing this to herself and seems very proud of it.
She better not start with the “I’m struggling with me mental health line”
She is an absolute disgrace
This is what angers me about her (well 1 of the many things!!) She thinks she is relatable yet
1) spends more money on takeaways in a week than the average person spends on proper food shopping.
2) shows shopping hauls of stuff you never see her use or cook.
3) uses poor mental health for views however does not struggle with poor mental health
4) cries for views or to sell stuff however has to set up her camera to show her fake tears
5) is woe is me, poor me however NEVER responds to any of the people in her comments who have genuinely had something horrible happen to her
And last but by no means least
Is one of the biggest fing bully's on the app. Loves letting her "hunz" loose on others who may be genuine.
Don't even let me get started on her lack of safe guarding towards that beautiful child she is so goddam fing lucky to have.
Rant over


Mar 9, 2024
She clearly hasn't watched Charlie's video from yesterday coz the size of her on it blew my friggin mind 😂🤣😂🤣🤣 she needs to knock the takeaways on the head and start some fin exercise coz she's friggin MASSIVE!!! and I wouldn't be saying this if she DIDNT use filters and ADMITTED her size which is 14/16. STOP LYING AIMEE ITS GETTING fING RIDICULOUS AT THIS POINT !!!


Mar 9, 2024
If she was just feeding herself I’d still be disgusted tbh but the fact she’s feeding her kid all this bad food, junk and takeaways is utterly appalling. As parents we are supposed to give our children the best possible start in life and nutrition is a massive vital part of that for Growth, healthy bones, teeth and gums, immune system etc! It even affects sleep, concentration at school, energy levels, just so much. And it all just seems like a game to her and I cannot fathom how any mother can have that mindset.


Mar 23, 2024
How can anyone of her family or her gormless minions think it’s acceptable to feed your child so much unhealthy food in a short space of time! i get the fact she doesn’t give a s about her own health or anything else for that matter but what about Harper?? It’s so sad because any child will eat what you give them when it comes to pizzas burgers fried chicken cakes sweets and they think it’s great because they don’t know better but this is literally neglect she is killing that child’s health slowly … I’m a mother who treats my children quite often ( nothing like this) but I am always critical of myself and Worry I don’t get the balance right! As they are children of course they want all the yummy bad stuff and they don’t care if mam is tired so orders pizza burgers fish shop etc but I couldn’t do that to them it’s actually quite cruel as they are total olbvious to the problems it cause over time to their little bodies! .. Also she has a filter on and that chin still has its own postcode the fing tramp!


Mar 23, 2024
If she was just feeding herself I’d still be disgusted tbh but the fact she’s feeding her kid all this bad food, junk and takeaways is utterly appalling. As parents we are supposed to give our children the best possible start in life and nutrition is a massive vital part of that for Growth, healthy bones, teeth and gums, immune system etc! It even affects sleep, concentration at school, energy levels, just so much. And it all just seems like a game to her and I cannot fathom how any mother can have that mindset.
100% this
Apr 1, 2024
But...we are the horrible ones 🤷‍♀️

If we were all slagging off ALL creators then that could be interpreted badly..but I'm/we're not?!

There comes a time where u need to stop and think...why do I get all 'the hate' and no one else does. There is a common denominator here.....
I bet no other creator has to block as many as her.. She's toxic and hardwork to even watch..let alone to be in her company.
I don't believe she has it in her to reflect, self modify, learn or adapt. Never been taught to ir had to.

Sounds like she has always been unpleasant and a spoilt brat from what ppl in the know have said. She's been failed and doesn't realise it

She is likely self medicating and self-soothing with food, shopping and alcohol. Also 'faux' validation from nearly everyone.

Surely her management should a protocol system in place to guide and support.
She has deteriorated so much and its plain to see. U would feel sorry for her if she was receptive to guidance. It's now H being failed by so many. You can't say her behaviour will not have impacted H's development.
It's all tragic...

Sorry need to stop writing essays and hijacking posts. @easilyannoyed114 x

Good post and so true. There is a reason why lots of us are thinking and saying more or less the same things, it's just not possible that we can all be wrong.
Apr 1, 2024
If I had a thread with 8,349 posts on and one of the most active thread on TL I swear they go through a thread a week 99% of the time.

I’d be sat thinking “ooo maybe I am the problem” 😂😂

106 threads there, 1 megga thread here that amounts to the equivelent of 8 tattle threads since it was started in early march. But like i said previously (had to do a new account as i got locked out) she does what she does yet still comes back up again and again like nothing has happened.


Feb 28, 2024
106 threads there, 1 megga thread here that amounts to the equivelent of 8 tattle threads since it was started in early march. But like i said previously (had to do a new account as i got locked out) she does what she does yet still comes back up again and again like nothing has happened.

Aww I hope you get your account back! I loved your old username 😂😂


Mar 8, 2024
This is what angers me about her (well 1 of the many things!!) She thinks she is relatable yet
1) spends more money on takeaways in a week than the average person spends on proper food shopping.
2) shows shopping hauls of stuff you never see her use or cook.
3) uses poor mental health for views however does not struggle with poor mental health
4) cries for views or to sell stuff however has to set up her camera to show her fake tears
5) is woe is me, poor me however NEVER responds to any of the people in her comments who have genuinely had something horrible happen to her
And last but by no means least
Is one of the biggest fing bully's on the app. Loves letting her "hunz" loose on others who may be genuine.
Don't even let me get started on her lack of safe guarding towards that beautiful child she is so goddam fing lucky to have.
Rant over
I know she’s just horrible isn’t she?
I can’t believe how much she loves herself. I mean she’s hideous 😂even when she’s all done up she looks a complete mess.
What sort of fella would she attract when she takes a teddy bear with her on trips?
I’m finding her more and more entertaining for all the wrong reasons. She has a very insular life, no close social circle and obviously has no structure to her day. It’s such a bizarre way to live and seems such a waste. She’s 40 soon, these terrible eating habits are with her for life now and shes going to keep getting bigger and bigger and more unhealthy and even more miserable. Couldn’t happen to nicer person 😂


Mar 9, 2024
I HAD to break the rule and leave a comment on her page she pisses me off THAT much and before I had chance to blink, literally 4 seconds tops I WAS BLOCKED!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 PMSL ..AIMEE, YOU LONELY SAD OLD t, GET A fING LIFE!!! PMSL 😂😂🤣 SO YOU DO sit on tiktok ALL fING NIGHT waiting for any negative comments so you can delete and block you sad b LOVE THAT FOR YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO DO THAT !! HAHAHAHA 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Mar 8, 2024
This is what angers me about her (well 1 of the many things!!) She thinks she is relatable yet
1) spends more money on takeaways in a week than the average person spends on proper food shopping.
2) shows shopping hauls of stuff you never see her use or cook.
3) uses poor mental health for views however does not struggle with poor mental health
4) cries for views or to sell stuff however has to set up her camera to show her fake tears
5) is woe is me, poor me however NEVER responds to any of the people in her comments who have genuinely had something horrible happen to her
And last but by no means least
Is one of the biggest fing bully's on the app. Loves letting her "hunz" loose on others who may be genuine.
Don't even let me get started on her lack of safe guarding towards that beautiful child she is so goddam fing lucky to have.
Rant over
She always replies to comments she thinks are negative doesn’t she. Then ignores the rest. What a weird society we live in now.
She’s such a trog! Absolutely repulsive especially the GORGING on take aways. I hope she has one every night this week and slaps on another 10lbs before her hols so she can’t squeeze into the seat on the plane 😂
Apr 1, 2024
Morning ladies just caught up 102 notifications ☠️😂 the pictures from t comparing herself are laughable. I don’t understand why she does it to herself. Surely filtering pictures to that level and turning yourself into half the person literally and forgetting your other 3 chins. She wonders why she can’t keep a man it’s major catfishing and it’s wrong. Everyone has used a filter at a time but atleast make it look like you 😂😂😂 she’s literally a different person the men must think that’s not you? This is in no way a slating post regarding her weight. My weight fluctuates from a size 8-12 all year round it’s just the way I am. It’s the lies he who you are surely it effects her so called anxiety going out if your putting constant filtered pics on no wonder she hates events an stuff when she literally hides behind a filter. We don’t care if your big small long short round square green or blue aimee just swerve the lies and be who you are. In reality lovely and this may come as a shock less is actually more. Poor Charlie can’t help but feel she’s just the spare part an I ain’t too keen on her but I do believe she is a lot cleaner etc. if we needed any clarification this fed up family is all for show just take a look at the props aka Christmas guides in April love that for use. She’s really grinding on me lately yesterdays videos are shocking on send and Charlie the way she interferes and has to get in the way. She gives major brat pack vibes my 4 year old wouldn’t act the way she does.

Aww I hope you get your account back! I loved your old username 😂😂

Hope so but TBH i might just stick with this one now as i can actually remember the details for it LOL. My own stupid fault ultimately.


Mar 8, 2024
I HAD to break the rule and leave a comment on her page she pisses me off THAT much and before I had chance to blink, literally 4 seconds tops I WAS BLOCKED!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 PMSL ..AIMEE, YOU LONELY SAD OLD t, GET A fING LIFE!!! PMSL 😂😂🤣 SO YOU DO sit on tiktok ALL fING NIGHT waiting for any negative comments so you can delete and block you sad b LOVE THAT FOR YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO DO THAT !! HAHAHAHA 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Oh dear me 😂 I don’t look, I see what’s on here and that’s all. The rage has subsided now and I’m finding it more and more hilarious. She really is a sad munter.