Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Trollsville Village in Trollerton
Thank you so much, means a lot ❤️
I just can’t stand liars and I’ve watched her manipulate people over the years and I’ve had enough of her self righteous behaviour.
I rang Sefton social services today & as soon as I gave her name the person on the phone said we know who your on about and have had several causes for concerns. They are going to contact Merseyside police as gave them the CRN and how she has said the police said to do that video with it on and they didn’t advise her to safeguard her daughter on social media with locking it down.

I can’t even hate watch her anymore in my secret account as her voice just irritates the s out of me. I unblock her to only read the comments and then block her again 🤫🤣
Catpiss your lies are coming back to haunt you and I can’t wait 🖕🤣

I admire you too for taking these big steps to expose her and going further to raise the safeguarding concerns about H
And thank you for confirming all of our opinions on cat piss.


Mar 8, 2024
She is dangerous because she is a sly snake & wouldn’t think twice of ruining someone’s life/career but keeping her own hands clean (well clean hands is debatable as we know she’s dirty)
I can’t say why but it will all make sense soon but I have receipts. You have to be 10 steps ahead of a narcissist and let them think they are winning when in reality their downfall is about to happen & be exposed.
I do think D2 is or has taken the legal route with catpiss harassing him & his children post break up. This is why Catpiss cannot take H to her swimming lessons on a weds and Wendy has to do it as his kids go to the same place.
I can guarantee you A would be there if she had a chance to spot him or his kids if he didn’t have anything legal in place.
The above info has been put in here by woeisme & I also think with something legal going on, woeisme is having to hold back with info & receipts. I do believe they will be back when they can reveal everything (hoping we get some screenshots of crazy Catpiss texts to D2 & his kids 🤭)
I also believe the other person who came on here saying about sharing receipts but has to ask her friend first if she can as it’s related to A messaging an old friend & showing her true nasty colours.
She also goes to sundeck in ainsdale at least 3 times a week for 9-12 mins on a sunbed.
In my 20 twenties I used to go on them 5 times a week for 12 mins as I have olive skin so tan really easy as my grandad was Italian. I have quite a few moles and in 2008 one mole had changed & one literally disappeared/fell off from my face 🙈🤣.
I had to take a photo to my consultant to prove I had the mole on my face because he couldn’t find any evidence of me ever having it. Since then I have to go to dermatology clinic at broadgreen every 6 months to get them checked because of my history with hammering sunbeds.
The biopsy’s came back clear thank god but that scared me enough to not use them again & that I had my young sons to think off. I do sit out in summer to tan but I use factor 50 instead of coconut oil now.
If it’s true that she had non cancerous skin cancer why the hell would she be using sunbeds. She doesn’t care about the consequences with using them and most definitely isn’t thinking of her young daughter.
Sorry for the essay 🙈🙈
I hope @woeisme25 and @hiddengem come back and I can’t wait for what you reveal.

I too absolutely believe woe in regards to the legal action and the swimming. I hope both girls are doing well. They are missed here.

Jo you sound just lovely, A could have learnt a thing or too from you.
Mar 16, 2024
United Kingdom
She is dangerous because she is a sly snake & wouldn’t think twice of ruining someone’s life/career but keeping her own hands clean (well clean hands is debatable as we know she’s dirty)
I can’t say why but it will all make sense soon but I have receipts. You have to be 10 steps ahead of a narcissist and let them think they are winning when in reality their downfall is about to happen & be exposed.
I do think D2 is or has taken the legal route with catpiss harassing him & his children post break up. This is why Catpiss cannot take H to her swimming lessons on a weds and Wendy has to do it as his kids go to the same place.
I can guarantee you A would be there if she had a chance to spot him or his kids if he didn’t have anything legal in place.
The above info has been put in here by woeisme & I also think with something legal going on, woeisme is having to hold back with info & receipts. I do believe they will be back when they can reveal everything (hoping we get some screenshots of crazy Catpiss texts to D2 & his kids 🤭)
I also believe the other person who came on here saying about sharing receipts but has to ask her friend first if she can as it’s related to A messaging an old friend & showing her true nasty colours.
She also goes to sundeck in ainsdale at least 3 times a week for 9-12 mins on a sunbed.
In my 20 twenties I used to go on them 5 times a week for 12 mins as I have olive skin so tan really easy as my grandad was Italian. I have quite a few moles and in 2008 one mole had changed & one literally disappeared/fell off from my face 🙈🤣.
I had to take a photo to my consultant to prove I had the mole on my face because he couldn’t find any evidence of me ever having it. Since then I have to go to dermatology clinic at broadgreen every 6 months to get them checked because of my history with hammering sunbeds.
The biopsy’s came back clear thank god but that scared me enough to not use them again & that I had my young sons to think off. I do sit out in summer to tan but I use factor 50 instead of coconut oil now.
If it’s true that she had non cancerous skin cancer why the hell would she be using sunbeds. She doesn’t care about the consequences with using them and most definitely isn’t thinking of her young daughter.
Sorry for the essay 🙈🙈
Thank you so much for that! Don’t apologise for anything.
Can’t wait to see receipts!
She has some cheek calling the police really if she’s already well known if she’s been harassing D2 kids!! What is she like!! 😳

Lie Detector

Mar 8, 2024
The woman is a walking deep fat fryer. I have never known anyone to have as many takeaways as she does, it’s obscene.

If she wants to feed herself crap, that’s up to her, but it’s appalling to be feeding her child processed rubbish every day. Even if the child is eating ‘some’ fruit and vegetables, it does not make it OK to feed her daily crap. There is nothing balanced about their diet. They have treats in some form every single day of the week, whether that’s sweets, cake, chocolate, donuts, takeaways, processed foods out of the freezer. The daughter ham on her sandwiches for school - ham is full of nitrates and not supposed to be eaten regularly due to cancer risk. They eat a lot of red meat too - again, something that shouldn’t be eaten more than once a week.

She is putting that child at risk of significant health problems, and she really doesn’t care.
I think she might actually be the laziest, most selfish mother I have ever come across. She does not adult well at all.
Mar 16, 2024
United Kingdom
Thank you so much, means a lot ❤️
I just can’t stand liars and I’ve watched her manipulate people over the years and I’ve had enough of her self righteous behaviour.
I rang Sefton social services today & as soon as I gave her name the person on the phone said we know who your on about and have had several causes for concerns. They are going to contact Merseyside police as gave them the CRN and how she has said the police said to do that video with it on and they didn’t advise her to safeguard her daughter on social media with locking it down.

I can’t even hate watch her anymore in my secret account as her voice just irritates the s out of me. I unblock her to only read the comments and then block her again 🤫🤣
Catpiss your lies are coming back to haunt you and I can’t wait 🖕🤣
I’m pretty sure they would have told her
Standard to block, shut down and keep a low profile surely?
I had a nose at her instagram and was shocked at a lot of the photos, some of them years, how many weirdos that would have saved or SS doesn’t bare thinking about!!
Yet she makes TT saying it’s her daughter and she can do as she wishes - safeguarding can be anyone’s concern!!
She wants to be in the public eye then people are going to have concerns.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Thanks for the info! When you say all will become clear soon, how soon do you mean? Sorry I am just getting impatient 😂 And feels like we’ve been waiting forever for something to happen! ☺️
I know it’s hard to believe and I really want to tell you all but I can’t say anything even down to the who, where, why and when 🙈
God it’s so frustrating and it’s because I know how catpiss and her dodgy family worm their ass out of everything.
Just call me karma 🤣🤣🤫🤫
Apr 1, 2024
Just catching up and just want to say she will never win against us or what’s about to come with everyone outing her with truths here. The next few weeks will be entertaining and I don’t just mean the narcissists holiday 🤫🤫
You’ve hit the nail on the head with Catpiss and being a brat.
I’m just glad more and more of her huns are waking up and coming here. I am actually shocked all her die hard vultures aren’t over here sticking up for their Queen 🤮
I do think some of them secretly troll her with nice comments and she thinks it’s all love 🤣🤣
Also had my 14yr old niece here yesterday & she asked if I know this freak on TikTok.Yes it was catpiss & she said everyone takes the piss out of her 🤣🤣All Southport high school (Greenbank, Birkdale, CTK )say they would hang their heads in shame if their mum or auntie acted, dressed & looked as rough as Catpiss 🤣🤣
Made my day tbh & I told her everything. Also said tell those who watch her not to fully watch her videos so she won’t get high views & all to unfollow her 🤭🤣🤣
Also said if any of her mates have younger kids at H school to ask their parent what the school gossip is and to tell them to come over here.


Oh absolutely and she knows she won't win because she can't. Facts are facts and the truth is the truth and aimee shows who she is all by herself and gives us the facts and truth at her own hands. To be honest those who have come here woke up quite early on after discovering her either of their own accord or reading her back story via t. Her die-hard fans are aware they can't defend her here because we are not going to buy what they are trying to sell as we see the real catpiss so they don't really bother. She will be getting some trolls pretending to be nice alright, TBH i would prefer if they didn't do that as it's enabling her even though it's not their intention.
Fair play to the kids, they aren't stupid and can figure out people themselves and they talk. But catpiss won't care what anyone says or won't even care that h will be bullied because of catpiss's behaviour, because she's not bothered about protecting her. Oh the next while will be entertaining alright, the holiday is going to be a complete sshow which is good for us but sad for the kids as they don't deserve any of this crap.
Mar 7, 2024
Bit nervous sharing this, but look who's being investigated by the ASA!
I wonder if brands look at ASA rullings/violations before offering deals to creators. She's certainly not getting the same number of deals that she used to get. She just gets the bog standard brands they are all selling now. I do think if you have had more than one ASA rulling against you then you should be banned from advertising/selling across all platforms. If you are continually found to be telling untruths (She's never lied on the platform remember 🤔🤣) then you surely can't be trusted to sell.
She can't even tell the truth about her day to day life - forgets to eat my arse! Hide my prosecco - this is my first drink as I was driving..... so it's no wonder lying about products in order to make a sale comes so naturally to the blobfish bullshitter of Birkdale. How many poor single mums, vulnerable people with mental health conditions has she manipulated with these lies to make those sales 😢
Mar 7, 2024
Under the Troll bridge
Thank you so much, means a lot ❤️
I just can’t stand liars and I’ve watched her manipulate people over the years and I’ve had enough of her self righteous behaviour.
I rang Sefton social services today & as soon as I gave her name the person on the phone said we know who your on about and have had several causes for concerns. They are going to contact Merseyside police as gave them the CRN and how she has said the police said to do that video with it on and they didn’t advise her to safeguard her daughter on social media with locking it down.

I can’t even hate watch her anymore in my secret account as her voice just irritates the s out of me. I unblock her to only read the comments and then block her again 🤫🤣
Catpiss your lies are coming back to haunt you and I can’t wait 🖕🤣
I hope action is taken against her & the past catches up with her