Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
she’s absolutely PATHETIC! there was that woeisme account on tiktok that was posting pics of harper in the hospital from aimees facebook and she still hasn’t taken those pictures down. ITS LIKE SHES BEGGING FOR PEOPLE TO LOOK AT THEM AND THEN SHE POSTS HER CLASSIC SOB VIDEOS FOR ATTENTION, ACTING LIKE THE VICTIM! CRAZY !!!


Mar 8, 2024
Directing the whole of your TikTok platform to ig to look at your daughter is so unhinged behaviour absolutely no safe guarding whatsoever,it’s sick and twisted imo especially with how many predators use socials and take children’s images to manipulate for their own perverted uses😡so not on.
She cannot even have the defence of I didn’t realise blah blah blah shameless your a fat ugly irresponsible excuse of a mother who does the exact opposite of what your supposed to do …:you know protect your child at all costs.
It comes to something when strangers on a gossip forum have more empathy and awareness for your child then the whole of your family.
As for the make up wearing all girls want to experiment my granddaughters do they raid my make up lol and make each other up they are 10 and 12 but only in my house they are washed etc before they go out.
A bit of lipgloss is all you need at H age her skin is so sensitive at that age your setting her up for a lifetime of skin issues and for the love of god please do something with that bairns hair,She could have so many beautiful styles as it’s thick mine would kill for hair like h they all have thin fly away hair but then again what do I expect when her mother does sod all with her hair ….,it’s tragic when that’s your role model.


Mar 9, 2024
No I have no words I’m actually disgusted at what iv came back too pimping your daughter for views is non other than vile. So glad people have receipts of this and I hope it’s reported to ss and other professionals because that is definitely not ok !!!! H is definitely on the spectrum and I think a few is here having our own children with additional needs we can see it clearly. Do you know how much more vulnerable that makes your daughter aimee? I honestly feel sick her sending people to ig and it’s only pics of h. Shame on you aimee if I was Andy I’d be turning up and taking her at this point and point blank letting her call the police or whoever she thinks can get her out the s. At this point iv understood Andy doing the legal way etc as we all know how manipulative and conniving she is and can be but surely enough is enough. What are they waiting for someone to actually approach h or the house because pimping your daughter out for clout attention and money is fing disgusting and I can not watch and won’t give her the views again il wait for it to be here or t. I’m livid sat here this morning she has absolutely no consideration for the nonces and pedalos on the apps. You don’t deserve your child aimee and at this point Andy I’m starting to question if you do too from a disgusted mum do fing better delete your social media and focus on getting your child the support she needs and diagnosis. Fat lazy scruffy cnut I hope to god I bump into you in Tesco one day because il be telling you exactly what I think and il also be taking pictures of the real you aimee ya disgusting clap ridden sausage swallowing crayola wearing funky fat Trollop do fing better


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Just had a look over at Insta - why does it look like H has had her eyebrows done? They look like been shaped? Surely not at the age of 9!
OMG why is she allowing H to pose and look like that at 9 yrs old 😳
Does she not realise she is sexualising her already and it’s fin disgusting and wrong. I used to play with my mums makeup in the house and it wasn’t till I was about 13 and getting acne I started to use makeup.
Don’t get me wrong H does look genuinely happy but that’s only because Catpiss thundercunt gave her attention. She actually gives no fs about safeguarding her child and she lacks any understanding of the way these predators use children’s images for sexual purposes.
Just catching up and my blood is already boiling 🤬🤬🤬
CATPISS no normal, loving parent would EVER do child exploitation but your not fin normal are you !!!!


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I don't have Insta but I remember seeing a photo someone posted on here or TL of the kid and it looked like she'd had her hair darkened so she's probably having grown up hair treatments as well. Disgraceful, she wants run her a hot bath, get her hair brushed and take her to a dental appt before she starts colouring her hair and getting her beauty treatments stupid t
If not allowed as only scrubbed eyes out let me know so I can delete post. See filter working on H too with the mega white teeth and fuzzy by her arm
Mar 10, 2024
Imagine directing potential peados to IG to see photos of your daughter, let’s face it how many of Arseholes followers are “normal” they aren’t, who would comment on a child they don’t know saying, “gorgeous, “lovely eyelashes” its unhinged. I’ve said it before my friend works in the crime unit who deal with “people” who manipulate images and Aimee you have set your daughter up already for it - you absolute soulless disgrace of a “mother”


Mar 8, 2024
I absolutely hate this fing b 😤 shes done nothing more than pimp out her daugther for ££££££ now thats low, lower than a snakes 🐍 belly 😤. Did she not learn anything by the woeisme tt account and how easy it is for ppl to take photos from ur public sm account 😒 its absolutely sicking. I know a few accounts on here have said about outing her in time....well if it was me then theres no time like the present to bring this cnut down before something serious happens to that child what is the worse that could happen, even D2 mum still posts memes which we all know is directed at shameless so what actually happened for her too still continue now....jus out the b give her the life she deserves and dump that s on her by the lorry load


May 3, 2023
I’m going to say it, but that picture with the lipgloss and the pout could be doctored quite easily by the wrong people out there that scour Instagram for pictures of kids for nefarious reasons.

I’m so fing sick of inept Influencers/Content Creators putting their non consenting kids out there for just anyone to consume. It’s fing disgusting and I wish there was a law against it. More attention needs to be focused on this, clueless numpties chasing clout/blue ticks/brand deals for what?! The loss of your child’s privacy?! I have a 6 year old girl and no way would I put her out there for public consumption. Social Media is going to have a lot to answer for when these kids grow up and realise just how much of their life was for sale by the very people that are meant to keep them safe.


Mar 8, 2024
It really sickens me how much these creators get paid!! Sevda was getting 6k a month and she doesn’t do lives or really sell anything on tik tok shop (she was caught bitching to her hubby it has went down to 2k🥴. I wonder how much shameless actually earns doing this- esp last year when she was live all the time, selling her crap in her shop!

Really is sickening..6k a month!!!! 🤯🤯🤯