Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

B belly

Mar 2, 2024
He can't have any more children. He hadn't told her that as he hadn't seen her as a long term thing . When she informed him about the pregnancy (which was fake obviously) he then told her . Things got awkward and she started saying well things don't always work 100 percent etc . He tried for around two weeks to leave . He eventually did .
Just a thought, if you keep getting banned ok TT can't you post your videos here? People are coming here and fast. They can't be taken down by being reported that way

Here we go…

Mar 8, 2024
This. 💯 x

I think the change in her content can be placed to around about her giving up work. Her life is insular now, revolving around hauls and posting, (what she thinks) are sassy comebacks. I would see her on my FYP, but quickly took a dislike at the rate with which she buys things. It’s continuous. Her overdraft must be the size of the National debt. I have a really good job and so does Mr Bandit. We do ok, but I couldn’t warrant spending that much money and I don’t wish I could either. I love saving for things, because when I get it, I feel super pleased and I cherish it.

Her followers stating that people who dislike or disagree with her lifestyle because we are jealous really rile me. I thank my lucky stars every day for my family, my health, my lifestyle and I think that’s my biggest issue. Disagreeing is not the same as jealousy.

If she was to post that she’s saving for Christmas or saving for a holiday or saving for school uniform, it would start to send a proper message. Is she contributing to a pension, saving for H’s first car or Uni (cos that s’s expensive!!) What’s she teaching H about a work ethic or life in general? I know she doesn’t post her on Tik Tok but when I cooked, my daughter was with me learning. She was washing up, wiping the work tops, reading the recipe to me.

I dunno, I feel sad for H, I feel sad for the people aspiring to this and I feel sadder that it would seem us normal folk are a minority. Her life is not glamorous and I wish she’d stop making out like she’s some kind of celebrity. The comparison to Caroline Flack was distasteful. Kindness is a cycle. Be kind and you’ll find people are kind back.

Rant over…am hopping off my soap box to go to a full house reset (I’m going to clean my house!!) xx
Agreed! It’s also very obvious she craves a family unit and I don’t blame her, don’t think anyone would but the hate comes from how she behaves towards to the situation, which she doesn’t understand. It’s basically everyone should feel sad for me, no matter how I behave. She needs to work on her self and her emotions and come to some acceptance. She’s hurting herself more than anyone else is.

See I don’t think she’s a bad mum as people make out. Yes, she’s lazy but I think some things that are said aren’t true. I don’t think there’s much wrong with H teeth, it’s so common for kids front not to be straight, H’s hair is also curly/wavy, putting a brush through it, is what’s making it so frizzy, it’s hard to tame curly/wavy hair. She is clean and even though amiees fashion sense is questionable, H isn’t in rags, she does have presentable clothing. The problem is amiee is a push over, she just gives in and H is spoilt in that sense. Another reason people hate so much on H is how much she loves her tablets, amiee does need to do better and have set times but again it’s amiee being a push over.

But like I have mentioned- amiee is overwhelmed and it’s consumed her, and everything has gone to s! She cutting corners trying to make life easier but in the long run it’s making things worst. Her emotional state has declined and has done for a long time. She needs to slowly pick her self back up but only she can do that. I think she struggling with admitting the ‘haters’ and ‘trolls’ can be right and coming to terms with how her mental well-being is affected by how she deals with everyday tasks


Mar 9, 2024
One thing I can never understand if she’ll bite say a chicken nugget then turn it around to show us the inside?! 🙄 like we haven’t seen it before, stuff like that drives me nuts, like she’s the only one to try such a thing!
THIS!!!!👏👏👏 Bloody WHY??? I don't wanna see a half chewed inside of a friggin burger ta very much ..knocks me fact everything about her knocks me sick, always looks in need of a good scrub, always looks like she smells of sweat and grease and unwashed undies 🤢
Mar 8, 2024
He can't have any more children. He hadn't told her that as he hadn't seen her as a long term thing . When she informed him about the pregnancy (which was fake obviously) he then told her . Things got awkward and she started saying well things don't always work 100 percent etc . He tried for around two weeks to leave . He eventually did .
What was that sit me with while I have a coffee video about?? What happened to make her so teary eyed?

Here we go…

Mar 8, 2024
Wonder if she paid for the Clomana beauty sponges, as she said “I ordered” not that she was gifted
I got the impression she paid them for. Could be wrong… she also bought some coco by Chloe sponges for her mum and sister for Christmas too