Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 23, 2024
She literally sucks the life and joy out of anything! She is the biggest attention seeking slack Alice greedy ugly inside and out person I have ever come across! Maybe she‘s having a panic attack over her amounting credit card debt because her wasteful spending Is just unreal! She’s lazy dirty has no endearing qualities And is boring as feck! your on holiday what many many families can’t do! you stuff your face in one course what some people can’t afford to eat in a day! Your followers tell you they are dying or someone has died you ignore them! The list goes on! Honestly man this is why people can’t stand her!


Apr 7, 2024
Not to make everything all about me.. unlike scummy but when you have lost every living older relative, after 5 yrs of giving up your life to care for them along with bringing up your babies alone! Then preach to us about how hard your life is... also doing that alone without the countless men!! Singlemamma is a joke! And just to add cos tiktok is your "job" nothing you promote will i ever buy. You will read this and laugh cos some are paying for your lifestyle but eventually they'll see sense


Mar 8, 2024
I suffer from anxiety / proper anxiety - she’s a fraud, I would not drink like her or eat like that - and I go to the gym to fell myself / I’ve never hated anyone before I’ve not met - I hate her - she’s the poorest example of a mother -
Exactly how I feel. Don’t drink, don’t eat meat or any crap, run every day and do yoga. If she’s anxious she needs to stop getting pissed up every day. She does bugger all to help herself. You have to make the effort, even a tiny effort but she literally can’t be bothered and just wants a pill to magically solve all her problems.
I’m surprised her GP hasn’t noticed her weight gain, she desperately needs a cholesterol blood check. I’ve never ever seen anyone eat so much terrible food. I cannot stand her, can’t watch her, can’t listen to her. I hate everything about her 😡


Mar 8, 2024
Actually cant cope with her! I cant comment on tattle. This woman triggers me so much! Her face cream bathroom/holiday vlog/bullshit .. i did it! F**k Off! She is disgusting and trolling us all at this point for views and engagement! Let us all stop watching. She's a s person.... s mum... s daughter and s sister!! And the more (myself included) watch her the more smug she becomes...
She is utterly VILE
Mar 8, 2024
She brings a whole new meaning to thick as pig s. Wish someone would shove her in the pool. She could do with a good wash in some bleach but chlorine would do. As for her anxiety.. someone tell me how I can turn mine off and on when it suits cos it don’t work like that for me 🙄 hateful b really sucks the joy out of everything…. Even a holiday.


Mar 8, 2024
2!! 2 panic attacks!! What a bloody surprise, we would never have guessed.
As usual, making everything about herself. Poor woe is me Aimee. Please everyone, go and give Aimee a little ego boost and tell her how amazing she is and how she is the best mum to Harper 🤢😂
Just be fing grateful that you are able to take your daughter away on a holiday abroad! Life is for living, not begging for praise from strangers on the internet
Has been sat sting on the bog all day?

And then…

Mar 9, 2024
Harper hasn’t noticed not one but two panic attacks - what a crock! If she WAS having a panic attack anyone in her vicinity would know about it too. I think she is getting the feeling of being overwhelmed confused with a panic attack! Lots of people suffer with being overwhelmed but they don’t all rush round telling people that they’re having a panic.

She’s either completely useless at being a grown up (which tbf is true) or she’s an absolute narcissist and trying to garner sympathy from her thick as mince minions!
How and why do they keep falling for all her fwittery?


Mar 8, 2024
@ItsTheDramaILoveIt 100% its a tiring experience that everyone has. Also if she's having panic attacks like she has described in the past then Harper would notice. She has never described silent panic attacks in her videos to my knowledge. She's definitely not anxious she's just tired but making it a whole drama so people feel bad for her
She’s a drama Queen and I can’t stand her
I actually HATE HER GUTS. Constantly moaning. What a negative Nancy she is, joy sucker and general misery guts
Mar 8, 2024
Harper hasn’t noticed not one but two panic attacks - what a crock! If she WAS having a panic attack anyone in her vicinity would know about it too. I think she is getting the feeling of being overwhelmed confused with a panic attack! Lots of people suffer with being overwhelmed but they don’t all rush round telling people that they’re having a panic.

She’s either completely useless at being a grown up (which tbf is true) or she’s an absolute narcissist and trying to garner sympathy from her thick as mince minions!
How and why do they keep falling for all her fwittery?
It’s both. She’s useless and a narcissist who needs compliments off strangers to validate her sty parenting


Mar 9, 2024
Harper hasn’t noticed not one but two panic attacks - what a crock! If she WAS having a panic attack anyone in her vicinity would know about it too. I think she is getting the feeling of being overwhelmed confused with a panic attack! Lots of people suffer with being overwhelmed but they don’t all rush round telling people that they’re having a panic.

She’s either completely useless at being a grown up (which tbf is true) or she’s an absolute narcissist and trying to garner sympathy from her thick as mince minions!
How and why do they keep falling for all her fwittery?

Sorry I posted something similar and you posted as I was writing mine, it’s laughable isn’t it that’s she’s even trying to claim she’s had two panic attacks and the kid didn’t see or know. She must think we are all thick.


Mar 9, 2024
She literally sucks the life and joy out of anything! She is the biggest attention seeking slack Alice greedy ugly inside and out person I have ever come across! Maybe she‘s having a panic attack over her amounting credit card debt because her wasteful spending Is just unreal! She’s lazy dirty has no endearing qualities And is boring as feck! your on holiday what many many families can’t do! you stuff your face in one course what some people can’t afford to eat in a day! Your followers tell you they are dying or someone has died you ignore them! The list goes on! Honestly man this is why people can’t stand her!

She’s like a dementor from Harry Potter 🤣 or as someone on here said a mood hoover 🤣